Do you have a question or topic you're looking for advice for but would prefer to ask  anonymously? If so, Just Jill is your gal!

Email her your question! She'll share it in our Facebook Group, without revealing your identity & our wise Sole Sisters will share their advice.

Then, we post it here in the Rambler Cafe Blog.



Birthday Blues Belinda - Just Jill
I’m turning the big sixty-five in a few weeks!!  I’m so enjoying this stage of my life. At the same time I can’t help but think my life is almost over and that makes me anxious. How do you manage this?
Lost in Bitcoin Betty - Just Jill
Is Bitcoin the wave of the future? Should I invest in it? How can I possibly invest in something I don't understand? It is like a different language, one that I cannot begin to comprehend.
Tattoo Tempted Tori - Just Jill
I have always dabbled with the idea of getting a tattoo. What stopped me?  I’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to pain. Also, I never had a clear vision of what I wanted and I always feared that I would have regrets. 
Fatigued Frances - Just Jill

Who’s tired? Honestly I wake up exhausted! My energy levels have plummeted.  By sunset I am ready for bed. I don’t understand. Is this common for my age?

Ageism Alison - Just Jill
I think I’m being discriminated at work because of my age!! The challenging assignments that used to come my way do not anymore. I’m being left out of client meetings. I want to scream “I’m still here, I’m still great at my job!!”
Hannah's Hairy Vagina - Just Jill
Vagina… there I said it! Shaving, sugaring, laser, or electrolysis? Is there something else I should know about? There are so many options, from clean up to bikini to landing strip to Brazilian or full. What do I choose?
Incontinent Ida - Just Jill
There are a lot of things I love about this stage in my life but there is one that I just can’t come to terms with … I have become incontinent. To clarify, I don’t mean a trickle while doing a jumping jack or sneezing. I have accidents. 
Lipstick Tattoo Lori - Just Jill
I am a lipstick lover. Whether I am going for a casual ramble or a nice dinner, I won’t leave the house without it. Did you know you could have your lips tattooed?
Highschool Reunion Ronda - Just Jill
Say it ain’t so … the dreaded high school reunion!! Have any of you gone to your high school reunions? I want to hear all about it … the good, the bad and the ugly!!

Should I go or should I not go?

Digital Dilemma Deena - Just Jill

I’ve always prided myself on being hip, being with it and being able to keep up with the latest and greatest. Not anymore … can someone please explain ChatGPT to me!! 

Work Weary Willa - Just Jill

I’m 52 and have been working for the same company for almost twenty years. I am bored and unfulfilled. Am I crazy to leave a secure job to follow a passion?? I need to think of my future and retirement. Would I be putting that in jeopardy?

Rejected Rachel - Just Jill
I think I have been dropped by my friend group! Is this normal at 55? I met this group of women when our kids were young. Lately though I have been feeling left out. Why do I care so much? Do I confront them or do I just let it go?
Speed Dating Donna - Just Jill
I am in my mid 50s, divorced and new to the dating world. I signed myself up for a speed dating event. My question is what would you ask to determine a potential partner’s character, morals and values when you only have seven minutes. 
Distraught Delilah's Affair - Just Jill
I can barely get the words out. My partner had an affair. I love him and I hate him at the same time. If anyone asked what I would do in this situation my response was no ifs, ands, or buts I would end it but now I'm so torn.
Ready Or Not Retirement Rachel - Just Jill
I am ready to retire. I have worked hard all my life and I want to slow down. I want to start to enjoy before it is too late. My work gives me a sense of purpose, of accomplishment and social interaction. How did you know you were ready? How do you keep busy?
Achy Anna - Just Jill
What is happening to me? Everything aches. Waking up I can barely get out of bed because my body aches so much. Bending down is a workout in itself. I feel one hundred years old yet I’m only fifty-five!
Sexless Sonia - Just Jill
Over the years our sexual intimacy has dwindled. We rarely rarely make love. We are both okay with this. It’s not like either of us are attracted to someone else. I really really do love my partner, probably more so than when we first met. He is my everything!!
Hot Flash Helen - Just Jill
The other day I was out for lunch and OMG I had a hot flash. It was my first hot flash in a professional setting. How do you deal with a public hot flash? Do you make it a topic of conversation or do you silently suffer and will it to go away as fast possible?
Pothead Patty - Just Jill

Full disclosure, I smoke pot and I like to drink socially. My husband does not drink but enjoys smoking pot socially. We have an ongoing argument. Now that pot is legal he thinks it is ok for him to smoke in front of our adult children. I fully disagree with him. 

Crooked Teeth Tanya - Just Jill

I’m 60 and thinking of getting braces! My teeth are no longer aligned which is causing inflammation. I am told this can cause bone loss, especially at my age. Braces or invisalign? 

Sex Toy Susannah - Just Jill

Sex toys… did I say that out loud? I am currently a million shades of red not fifty shades of grey!! What are women into these days? Vibrators, dildos? Is there newer stuff that I am unaware of? Is this something one does on their own or with a partner? So many questions!


Email us your question, and Just Jill will share it anonymously in our Facebook Group.

Your wise Sole Sisters will then share their advice in the comments and we'll share it in Rambler Cafe Blog.

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