Lipstick Tattoo Lori - Just Jill, Rambler Cafe Blog

Lipstick Tattoo Lori - Just Jill

Just Jill is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris. Jill is an avid rambler and mother of two from Toronto, Canada, with a remarkable zest for life and a fabulous sense of humor.

Dear Just Jill,

I am a lipstick lover. Whether I am going for a casual ramble or a nice dinner, I won’t leave the house without it. I am constantly re-applying.

I have been wearing lipstick for so many years, I think I would feel naked without it!

I was out with a friend recently and could not help but notice how great her lips looked. When you are a lipstick lover, you tend to notice other women’s lips. 

She didn’t re-apply once, and her lips looked terrific. I gushed about her great lips and then asked for her “secret.” 

Did you know you could have your lips tattooed? I had no idea this was a thing. I was intrigued, so I went home and googled. There is also another option called lip blushing.

Has anyone done either of these? I need advice from my Wise Sole Sisters. 

What’s a gal to do?


Lipstick Lover Lori

Sole Sister Advice & Comments

  • I’ve seen something called lip stain on social media. You paint it on for 30 seconds, wipe it off, and it “stains” your lips all day! Very intriguing.

  • I use a lip stain called Wonderskin. I think it’s pretty good, and my favorite color is “First Kiss.” 

  • My daughter had this done a few years ago. It faded so fast that, in my opinion, it wasn’t worth the money. Not to mention, she had good color naturally. I, on the other hand, am an addict to lipstick and lip gloss … could be worse!

  • It's called Permanent Makeup, and the artists who do it are trained very differently than your standard tattoo artists. They also have specialized equipment. I had my eyebrows done many years ago, but I have stayed in touch with the artist and have watched her business grow over the years. She now has employees and trains new artists. They create permanent eyebrows, eyeliner, lip color, lip lining, beauty marks, freckles, and much more.

  • This is awesome. I am so interested in this. I wonder if there is a danger in having a not-so-good practitioner mess it up.

  • I had my brows done 9 years ago with permanent makeup and had a touch-up 4 years ago. I am still very happy I had them done.

  •  I love the idea of permanent makeup because I like to wear a little makeup, but I really do not like thinking about it, putting it on, buying it, or any of the other stuff, LOL.

  • I had it done. First, my eyebrows, then my eyeliner. Both were fabulous! The lady who did it didn't speak much English and convinced me to do my lips. She had done her assistant's, which looked great. I told her I wanted a bit of a muted color. No red or orange. WELL, I walked out of there looking like the Joker from Batman!!!!!! Thank Goodness we still had to wear masks at that time!!!!! My husband almost died when I walked in the door. The swelling lasted a very long time; after a week or two, they peel, which is when you see the actual color. My lip liner faded in one part but stayed around the rest of the perimeter. Today, I like that my lips have color, but I would never do it again! 

  • My mother-in-law has her lips done and also eyeliner on her upper eyelids. They both look very good.  My daughter had eyeliner on her upper eyelids. It is very subtle and looks good

  • My daughter-in-law just had her brows, eyeliner, and lips done. She looks fabulous, and her lips are very natural. She was asked to bring in her favorite lipstick so it could be matched.

  • I dye my eyebrows - otherwise, they are white. I’m too scared to get them tattooed because I’m so fair, and everything I see is dark brown or black.

  • For the first time, I’m thinking about Botox because my lips just look thin and miserable. I had tints put in my hair just last month for the first time because my hair is very white (from being blonde). I’m not ready to be white and thin-lipped at 56. 

  • I'm fascinated reading this...because...well...I actually only wear moisturizer and organic lip ointment with some natural pigment...and a bit of eyebrow pencil. Sometimes, I forget the eyebrow pencil and look nude up there, lol. Always wanted to be a makeup girl...but never acquired the skillset.

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    1 comment

    • Keri Earnshaw

      The skin on the lips regenerates very quickly. It is always sloughing off. Therefore, any kind of ‘tattoo’ will not last long. I swear by lip stain, or long wear matte lipsticks….color lasts through eating and for hours otherwise. I too am a re-applier of lipstick, it’s just part of my everyday!!!

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