How Sole Circles Work!

How Sole Circles Work! Sole Sister Ramblers
Sole Circles are how our global community of Ramblers connects for in-person Rambles. Our Ramblers are located worldwide and host Sole Circles in many countries and cities.

Sole Circles are member led.

The members of our Sole Circles lead the Rambles and anyone can lead a Ramble. You can lead a Ramble for any activity you love—including walks, hikes, pickleball, bike rides, yoga, book clubs, games nights, visiting galleries and farmer markets, and social activities like pool parties and picnics. If you can dream it, you can Ramble it!

Ramblers who want to lead a Ramble use our Ramble Announcement Guidelines to write and post rambles in the Rambling Group. Then, Sole Circle members sign up for posted Rambles using our copy-paste-sign-up-send system. 

Our Sole Circles are inclusive.

If you want to connect with others for a Ramble it is best to draft and post a Ramble Announcement and open it to all group members rather than using private messaging or texting to connect with a specific Rambler or inviting others to Ramble with you without posting a Ramble Announcement.

Sole Circles need many members.

Our most fun and active Sole Circles have 150-250 members. We find that most Sole Circles need this many Ramblers to have enough leaders for frequent Rambles and enough Ramblers to sign up for them.

Our most well-established and active circles have several Rambles posted most of the time.

Ramble leaders can limit numbers and not difficulty.

Note that the Ramble leader can limit the number of Ramblers who can sign up for their Ramble for any reason —whether it be safety on a trail or space in a coffee shop.

It's also okay to post Rambles that aren't accessible or appealing to all Ramblers. Just be sure to clearly outline the difficulty, distance, or other factors that may impact participation in the Ramble Announcement.

Different types of Rambles have different accessibility levels, and that's fine. For instance, we've had a Ramble only for advanced scuba divers and another one for those recovering from an injury or confined to a wheelchair.Sole Circles thrive when a diverse range of Rambles are posted!

Our Sole Circles are busy places, and there will be a lot of notifications!

Also, our moderators are globally distributed in different time zones, so you might receive alerts at unexpected times. We suggest you set your WhatsApp Notifications to your preference.

You can adjust your settings to mute notifications on one group only and set WhatsApp to not download images to your phone or store data. You can still see the posts when you mute notifications and can unmute them at any time.

Here's a help page link to set up your notifications in the way you want them.

You can also Archive WhatsApp groups so you don't get notifications. Just remember to check your archived groups to see what's going on. You can unarchive them whenever you want.

You can also clear chats after you read them to make catching up on where you left off easier.Here is a helpful link to clear chats.

How do I find Ramblers who want to Ramble simultaneously and in the same area as me?

The best way to find Ramblers who want to ramble at the same time, place, pace, or activity as you are to lead and post a Ramble and see who signs up. The other option is brainstorming ideas in your Sole Circle chatting group (black logo). 

Moderators are here to help - once a day!

Your Circle moderator will pop by to admit new Ramblers and answer questions once a day, but you can private message us any time with your questions and feedback. Note that we admit new members only once a day to cut down on notifications.

New group members cannot see the messages posted before they arrive,
so we must repeat onboarding messages every time we add new Ramblers to the group. Please  email us at with any questions or ideas. Also, note your experience with this group will be much enhanced by reading the answers to our most frequently asked questions on our website.

LEARN MORE > Sole Circle FAQs