How Sole Circles Work!

Sole Circles are how our global community of Ramblers connects for in-person rambles. Our members are located worldwide, and we host Sole Circles in many countries and cities.
You can join as many Sole Circes as you like and connect with like-minded ramblers in your hometown and while traveling.
Sole Circles are member-led.
The members of the Sole Circles lead the Rambles and can lead a Ramble for any activity they love—including walks, hikes, pickleball, bike rides, yoga, book clubs, games nights, visiting galleries and farmer markets, and social activities like pool parties and picnics.
Ramblers who want to lead a Ramble use our Ramble Announcement Guidelines to write and post rambles in the Rambling Group. Then, Sole Circle members sign up by copying the announcement, pasting it in the message box, adding their name to the list, and sending it.
Our most vibrant Sole Circles have between three and five rambles posted at any time!
It's okay to post rambles that aren't accessible or appealing to all Ramblers.
Different types of rambles have different accessibility levels, and that's fine. For instance, we've had a ramble only for advanced scuba divers and another one for those recovering from an injury or confined to a wheelchair.
Sole Circles thrive when a diverse range of rambles are posted!
Our Sole Circles are busy places and there will be a lot of notifications!
Adjusting your WhatsApp settings to prepare for many notifications is essential, as our Sole Circles have a lot of activity. Also, our moderators are in different time zones, so you might receive alerts at unexpected times.
Here's a link to help you out!
How do I find Ramblers who want to Ramble at the same time and area as me?
The best way to find ramblers who want to ramble at the same time, place, pace, or activity as you are to lead a ramble someplace you know and love and see who signs up.
The other option is to brainstorm ideas and test the waters in our Sole Circle chatting group.
One of our founders will pop by to moderate your circle every day, and you can private message us any time with your questions and feedback. You can also email us at
LEARN MORE > Sole Circle FAQs