Our Story

Connecting and empowering women in midlife and beyond one ramble at a time. Everywhere is in rambling distance when you have Sole Sisters.

So much happens in this beautiful community we've created with all of you, including our Rambler Cafe Blog and email newsletter, joy-filled Facebook Group, and worldwide Sole Circles that connect our global community for local in-person walks and other activities we refer to as rambles.

Five long-time BFFs started Sole Sister Ramblers by participating in virtual group walking challenges to stay in touch while living far apart. They enjoyed it so much that they invited more friends to join, and then even more, and soon Sole Sister Ramblers was born.

Sole Sister Ramblers is a global community where women in midlife and beyond connect, ramble, and inspire active, joy-filled lives. We seek the magic of creating, renewing, and deepening female friendships while supporting and mentoring each other in being active and aging confidently.

Sole Sister Ramblers has enriched our lives in many unexpected and beautiful ways. We share many commonalities and have much to discuss, but rambling brings us together.

Rambling is equal parts mindset, activity, play and exercise. It produces interesting ideas, occasionally an epiphany, or just a way to free your mind.

It means moving our bodies in ways that bring us joy. It means meandering and exploring and makes walking a kind of mindfulness, or creative investigation ... as well as being great exercise! 

Rambling creates a feeling of a place that comes only from moving slowly through a landscape. When we ramble, we discover new connections between the elements in our most familiar places. 

The women in this community ramble in many different ways. They walk, snowshoe, row, ski, hike, swim, cycle, sail, play tennis and pickleball, do yoga, and paddle canoes. They explore the world and their backyards. They go to farmer markets, concerts, and community events. Some hunt for urban murals, vintage treasures, and hidden #trailmagic.

Rambling teaches us that we can enjoy these activities without the pressure of being an athlete while still enjoying the many benefits of an active lifestyle.

Few things are better than a long ramble with a friend and a meaningful conversation or rambling solo listening to nature’s soundtrack, your favorite playlist, or an interesting podcast.

Everywhere is within rambling distance when you have Sole Sisters. Come ramble with us!


Jane, Jill CM., Jill T., Naomi  and Tara
Sole Sister Ramblers Founders


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