Jill Morris 🇨🇦 - Rambler Profile, Rambler Cafe Blog

Jill Cohen Morris 🇨🇦 - Rambler Profile

Jill Cohen Morris is an avid rambler and mother of two in Toronto, Canada, with a remarkable zest for life and a fabulous sense of humor. Her hometown is Toronto, and her borntown is Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m a married mother of two semi-grown children, an avid rambler, traveler, and pickleball player; most importantly, I love to laugh and firmly believe in the magic and power of laughter.

What do you most like to do in your spare time?

If you had asked me this question a year ago, my answer would have been, hands down, no hesitation, rambling, rambling, and more rambling!! However, I have a new obsession… pickleball!!! I cannot get enough.

I love the game for so many reasons; it’s ridiculously fun, it’s a great workout, and I adore the group of women I play with. Not an hour goes by where we are not laughing so hard that inevitably, one of us races to the washroom. I guess I love rambling alone, and I love pickleball for social time. Oh, and I can’t forget about Canasta and my Canasta crew!!

What is your favorite time of year and why?

Fall … sweater weather, of course! Nothing can compare to the coziness of a beautiful fall day. Fall fashion is my fave…: a sweater, jeans, a cool pair of boots, a vest, and off I go. Oh, and I can’t forget the shades and bucket hat.

What is the best advice you ever got?

The best advice I ever got was from my mom. I was getting ready for my first summer at overnight camp. She sat me down and said when you write letters home, make sure that whatever you write is okay for the whole world to see. Once you put something in writing, you can never take it back. At the time, I was like, okay, Mom, whatever.

However, her advice has always stuck with me, and this was pre-internet, texting, etc.… It is so easy today to text something and have that message passed on and misconstrued. I have passed this on to my own children.

What do you like best about the age you are now?

I love how comfortable I am in my own skin. I love the confidence this age has brought me. I love watching my children start their lives. This age also makes me sad. Life is going too fast. I crave for it to slow down. I try to be grateful for every moment … easier said than done.

What do you like about where you live?

That’s an easy question … my whole family is here … four out of five of my siblings live in Toronto, as do my parents, and my sister is just a quick flight from NYC. Family is of the utmost importance to me.

My family moved to Toronto for my last year of high school. My parents were mindful of what a tough transition that would be, so they allowed me to stay in Ottawa. I knew that if I chose to stay, my home would not be the same as theirs. I needed to build my life where my family was.

Lucky me, who knew that choice 39 years ago would have such an impact on my life. That choice allowed me to be one of the founding Sole Sister Ramblers. Had I not moved to Toronto, I would never have met and, in turn, become lifelong besties with my other Founders.

What five words would you use to describe yourself?

Kind, loyal, funny, resilient, respectful, and a good listener … I know that is six, but so be it.

My last note is a statement, not a question. I love everything about Sole Sisters!! I adore being a Founder and am so proud of what we have accomplished. I am very excited to know that we have only touched the surface of what is to come … now that is #trailmagic.

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