Do you have a question or topic you're looking for advice for but would prefer to ask  anonymously? If so, Just Jill is your gal!

Email her your question! She'll share it in our Facebook Group, without revealing your identity & our wise Sole Sisters will share their advice.

Then, we post it here in the Rambler Cafe Blog.



Peach Fuzz Patty - Just Jill
I have always had peach fuzz on my face. Up until now it has never really bothered me. I could hide it with my hair if I had a particularly self-conscious day. My biggest fear was if I did do something it would grow back dark and thick.
No Doctor Donna - Just Jill
Full disclosure I am a relatively healthy fifty-five year old and have not been to a doctor in over 10 years! I finally found a doctor and have an upcoming in-person appointment. I am ready to be proactive about my health.
Lost Hair Hannah - Just Jill
My beautiful mane is falling out and thinning rapidly. I also have these wiry pieces that have gone rogue on the top of my head. This is not something I am ready for or will ever want to embrace. 
Empty Nest Nellie - Just Jill

After twenty-one years of taking care of my children, I am now an empty nester. Should I go back to school? Should I go back to work? Who would hire me? Am I marketable? What can I offer anyone? Should I volunteer? What if I get a job when will I ramble?

Frustrated Fiona's Husband - Just Jill
Fiona's husband is aging faster than she is. Walking is one of the activities they love to do together, especially when they travel, and he can't walk like he used to. She's having trouble adjusting to her new normal.
Sad Cindy's Father - Just Jill
My Dad is in a nursing home. He is 89 years old and has suffered with dementia for many years. My mom is devastated and misses him terribly. Through all this sadness my mom has managed to meet someone. I have not seen her this happy in years. I am happy for her. I am also sad. I am torn.
Tired Eyes Tina - Just Jill

Droopy lids, dark circles, puffy bags … anyone else experience this? I am talking about my eyes … my tired, worn out looking eyes!!  Some days I look in the mirror and I barely recognize myself. How did this happen and so fast?

MIL Driving Me Batty Barbara - Just Jill
My MIL moved in with us for six months. She is driving me crazy. Having her live with us is turning out to be a nightmare. She comments on everything I do, from what I wear to what I cook to how I spend my days and money. How am I going to survive?
Bum Sunning Brenda - Just Jill
Just Jill is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris. Jill is an avid rambler and mother of two from Toronto, Canada with a remarkable zest for life and a fabulous sense of humor. Dear Just Jill,So, I think I am...
Torn Tina Can't Travel - Just Jill
I love to travel! I have been looking forward to retiring and finally having the time to travel. Then the penny dropped … what will I do with my dog? Who will look after my garden? I haven't even mentioned my chickens.
Perplexed About Poly Priscilla - Just Jill
I recently went out with a man I quite liked, very exciting! All in all, it was a wonderful evening. I felt an instant connection. The only caveat is that he told me he was poly about three-quarters of the way into our meal.
Insomniac Ida - Just Jill
This is torture. Every night, the same routine. I lie in bed. I think I'm tired. I just lie there waiting, and nothing. I'm wide awake. I toss and turn. Sometimes, I fall asleep only to wake up again. It's so frustrating.
Financially Fraught Fay - Just Jill
A friends husband died recently and this got me thinking. I have no idea about our finances. This has been my husband's responsibility our entire marriage. There is so much to think about that I had never considered … bills, credit cards, insurance, mortgage, just to name a few. What do I need to know?
Donna's Dry Vagina - Just Jill
I'm just going to say it - vaginal dryness! I know it is a symptom of menopause, so I'm not worried anything else is happening. However, that does not discount the everyday discomfort, the itchiness, and the painful sex. 
Tina's Husband Won't Travel - Just Jill
For as long as I can remember, our plans were to retire and travel. Now that we are in this stage of our life, he doesn't want to. All I want to do is to see the world. 
Body Hating Barbara - Just Jill
Just to be clear, I do not have an eating disorder. Truthfully I just don’t want the body I was born with. I’m not sure whose body I want. Then I start to feel so guilty because I should love and appreciate my body … but I don’t.
Frustrated Not Techie Tina - Just Jill
I have a love/ hate relationship with TECHNOLOGY! As an adult, I understand the benefits of technology and the digital world. It has opened up a wealth of positive advancements in the world … I do get it!! At the same time, I find it so overwhelming. 
Fay's Flabby Meno Belly - Just Jill

I haven't changed my diet, and I exercise regularly, yet I have been putting on weight, and it is going directly to my midsection. I don't understand it, and I don't like it.

With that has come flabbiness. I look at my arms and don't even believe they are mine. I say to myself, what is the point of working out?

Glenda Ghosts Her Friend - Just Jill
I have a close friend whose interests and values no longer align with mine. It makes me sad to say this; however, here it is; in my mind, we have nothing in common, she has become toxic, and the bottom line is our friendship brings me no joy. In fact, she adds unneeded stress to my life.
Stressed Out Sophie - Just Jill
I'm having trouble coping. I feel embarrassed and incompetent, and confused. What has happened to me? I'm retired, so work is not the issue. Family, health, finances, even the unknown … I find it all so overwhelming.
Bloated Betty's Stomach - Just Jill
I feel so good in the morning. By evening my middle section has expanded to the point where I can barely keep my pants done up. If I go out to a restaurant it is even worse. The minute I walk out the gas comes and boy does it ever come!


Email us your question, and Just Jill will share it anonymously in our Facebook Group.

Your wise Sole Sisters will then share their advice in the comments and we'll share it in Rambler Cafe Blog.

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