Ramble Announcement Guideline

Ramble Announcement Guideline - Sole Sister Ramblers

Connecting and empowering women in midlife and beyond one ramble at a time. Everywhere is in rambling distance when you have Sole Sisters.

Use this as a guideline when writing your Ramble Announcement. It will help you include the information you need to provide so that others can determine whether the ramble suits their interests and abilities. 

Once you have written your Ramble Announcement, post it in your Sole Circle group on WhatsApp in the Rambling Circle (colored logo)!

Please private message a moderator in your WhatsApp Sole Circle group or email us at hellorambler@solesisterramblers.com if you would like help drafting and posting your Ramble Announcement.


RAMBLE ANNOUNCEMENT > NAME OF RAMBLE > EMOJIS (emojis help ramblers tell posted rambles apart).

DATE: (day, month)

TIME: (meeting and starting time)

To join this ramble, COPY the LATEST ramble announcement, PASTE it in the WhatsApp message box, add your name to the list, and SEND. Sign up using your first and last name and phone number



XXXXX - Leader - WhatsApp number



  • If you need to specify the group size for your own comfort or preference, safety, trail restrictions, or other reasons, please do so. 
  • Keep it as brief as possible - you can share the non-essential ramble details in your chat group.
  • Will you wait if someone is late, or do you leave exactly at the designated time?
  • Tell people when you will notify them (in the chat group) if the ramble is canceled due to weather or for another reason. 
  • Please note the walking pace—slow, moderate, brisk, or fast. Also, note whether you will accommodate all paces and fitness levels or if your ramble requires specific levels of fitness or skills.
  • Slow - 22+ minutes per mile or per 1.6 km.
  • Moderate - approximately 18-21 minutes per mile or per 1.6 km. 
  • Fast - approximately 15-17 minutes per mile or per 1.6km.
  • Note the approximate rambling time, km, or miles.
  • Precision is unnecessary, and it’s okay if you don't have a detailed route. 
  • If gear is required, please note it—rain gear, bug spray, water, walking poles, money for the local market, lunch, or coffee. 
  • Be clear about the meeting spot and provide any additional information that might help ramblers easily find you. A notable landmark is great! 
  • Include transit info or parking information.
  • Let ramblers know if they can bring leashed dogs.
  • Note if there are bathroom options.

LEARN MORE > Sole Circle FAQs


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