Fatigued Frances - Just Jill

Fatigued Frances - Just Jill

Just Jill is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris. Jill is an avid rambler and married mother of two from Toronto, Canada with a remarkable zest for life and a fabulous sense of humor. 

Dear Just Jill,

Who’s tired? 

Honestly, I wake up exhausted! My energy levels have plummeted.  By sunset, I am ready for bed. 

I don’t understand. I am an active sixty-four-year-old. Yes, I have spoken to my doctor, and she is not concerned. Blood tests have all come back normal.

I have been reading that this is common for my age. Any other Sole Sisters experience this? How are you coping?

I have never been one to nap, thinking that might help.

I need advice from my wise Sole Sisters. Has anyone else experienced this?

What’s a gal to do?


Fatigued Frances

Sole Sister Advice & Comments

  • I love me a good nap!! In my opinion, it is next to heavenly, but I am very careful to keep it short (max 30 minutes). I find it helps me to refocus and gives me that little extra boost to get on and finish all my chores or tasks. 

  • Well, I'm no doctor, though I do think this is somewhat normal as we age, post-menopause, or perimenopause. I feel that staying active helps with energy, energy produces energy. And maybe take a look at nutrition? Some foods, I feel, can make us sleepy or sluggish; too much sugar can cause us to crash. Also, I find naps will sometimes make me more sluggish, especially if I nap too long. They say 20-30 min is all you really need to refresh; longer can be more detrimental. I used to get so sleepy at work on dayshift because I'm not a morning person, and we started so early that I had to be up at 4:30 am. I started to walk on my lunch break; it really helped wake me up and help me get through the last 4 hrs. Also, getting fresh air helps.

  • Dehydration is a big contributor to exhaustion for me. I just forget to drink water some days, and getting enough protein is another.

  • I’m only 55, but I find I’m more tired since giving up my very physical and hectic job! I agree that keeping active helps. If I’m crashing, the best thing for me is to get up and do something. Naps are a killer for me, whatever the length. I’m going to be doing a 30-day walking challenge to see if it helps. I’m sure I’d feel better if I could actually get a full night's sleep (I only had a couple since menopause started 5 years ago). I’m also definitely better in sunny weather, so I have one of those SAD lights for darker days. I also agree that it helps to work out what foods/drinks affect you. Yoga works for me, too. I find certain people/situations exhaust me, so I try to avoid them.

  • Lower estrogen levels can have an effect on how well you sleep and also how you process nutrients into energy. Have you read Dr Louise Newson? The definitive guide to the perimenopause & menopause.

  • Have you checked your thyroid? I find hot yoga helps me.

  • I’m 62 and have been struggling with energy levels and napping; when I do nap, it’s only 20-30 minutes. I’ve been getting off the couch and walking lately, which helps but damn, what is wrong with a wee nap?!

  • I think we are tired at this age partly because we are just done with cooking, housework, etc., and aren’t learning new stuff. Unfortunately, not every day can be a vacation day.

  • I have been getting up early (6 am) and going for a brisk 30-minute walk each morning. I then come home, have a shower and then eat breakfast. It has made a world of difference to my day. I have heaps more energy, and my body functions have improved. Exercise has been my antidote to tiredness.

  • Our bodies are aging and so it makes sense to me that we have less energy -- anyone who has a kid, puppy or kitten knows young things have more energy LOL.I am an energetic person (too much so at times) so I welcome a mellowing. I do find that I need more downtime than I used to. 

  • I have always enjoyed having a whole day to do almost nothing but read, binge-watching something fluffy and happy while making a music playlist and resting. I used to crave a day like this every three months, and now I am finding I crave one 2-3 times a month. Fitness is, of course, tied to energy --- the fitter we are, the more energy we have-- so ramble on, my Sole Sisters!

  • How's your sleep quality? Try one of those sleep-tracking rings to find out.

  • I’m a little younger but have struggled with this also, along with a few other issues. I went to my GP, and she suggested HRT. I’ve only been on it for 3 weeks, and I feel like a new person. Actually, I feel like me again. I sleep, I wake up refreshed, and I feel “normal. “ Hormones, in particular estrogen, do so much for our bodies and brain. Perhaps investigate this with your doctor.

SSR doesn't endorse the advice or content shared in this column. Our goal is to access the wisdom of our incredible Sole Sisters.

READ MORE > Ask Just Jill, Rambler Cafe Blog

1 comment

  • Kim Schulze

    I just had this conversation with a friend today! I’m still active, and exercise, but at 65, I find I don’t have the constant energy I used to have even a few years ago. I allow myself to put my feet up and enjoy an hour with my book in the afternoon. It feels good

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