Tara Elisabeth Romoff 🇺🇸 - Rambler Profile, Sole Sister Ramblers

Tara Elisabeth Romoff 🇺🇸 - Rambler Profile

Tara Romoff is an avid rambler and world explorer. She was born in Windlesham England, lived in Portugal as a young child, and then moved to Toronto, Canada where she lived during her school years. After marrying her high-school sweetheart, she relocated to Chicago and raised her two kids. She and her husband recently moved from Singapore to Atlanta. 

What five words would you use to describe yourself?

Friendly, social, adventurous, pleaser, forever curious and emotionally sappy at times. Okay six words. 😜

What do you most like to do in your spare time?

Explore on foot. We have not owned a car in Singapore as it’s stupid crazy expensive so our bodies have become our mode of transport, be it walking or biking. Walking allows you to spontaneously take a turn, explore a back alley or pop into an interesting building or shop. The added benefit of course is the exercise. I get cranky when I don’t have the chance to be out and about on foot on any given day. 

What is your favorite all-time movie?

Shawshank Redemption! I think it has the best ending ever ! I can watch the ending over and over and happy cry every time. 🥲

What is your favorite color, and where does this show up?

All shades of green and pink and it shows up in my clothing and flowers in my home. I love lots of greenery and pink flowers. I have pops of hot pink across all my clothes, footwear and decor. 

What are the top 5 things on your bucket list?

River boat trip on the Nile, Amazon and or backwaters of Kerala in India. I want to go to Namibia and climb the sand dunes. I want to do a driving trip around the coast of Ireland and explore more of the national parks in Western USA.

I also want to do a return visit to Luang Prabang in Laos, which we just did and we fell in love with the laid back town with a strong Buddhist community and a rich weaving, paper making and street food culture. It’s a very special place. 

What is on your nightstand?

A face mask because it's easier to cover my eyes than blackout the room with all its bits of light sources. I also have a lovely lavender sachet made by a friend from her own lavender grown in her backyard in the French countryside. There is a glass of water which never really gets touched, my phone charger and various books that never get fully read. 

Any celebrity encounters?

My favorite all time celebrity encounter was meeting Julie Andrews at Australia’s Sydney airport. We were on a flight together and I was shocked when she was standing beside the luggage carousel upon arrival.

I went to the bathroom, splashed water on my face, took a few deep breaths, went back out and marched right up to her and stuck out my hand and promptly told her it was my greatest pleasure to meet her.

She shook my hand, told me it was her first time in Australia, we exchanged a few more pleasantries and then off I went. Of course I was singing DO a Deer in my head as I happily walked away with a huge smile on my face. 

What do you like about where you live?

In my life I have had many hometowns I love and have made lots of friends along the way.

I recently moved to Atlanta and am loving how interesting a city is, rambling on the Beltline and trying out the food and drink establishments along the way. People are so friendly here. 

We moved here from Singapore and what I loved most about there is how much there was to see and do on foot. We didn’t own a car in Singapore (crazy expensive) and didn’t need one. I explored most of Singapore on foot and saw stuff I wouldn’t have seen if I didn’t rely on my legs for transportation.

What thing in your life had the most impact on who you are now?

Having moved countries a few times as a kid and having a husband who also loves to explore the world as much as I do.

What do you most like to do in your spare time?

I play tennis, do jigsaw puzzles, go exploring on foot and love entertaining and decorating for parties. My specialty is table, sideboard and mantelpiece scapes. 

What are you most afraid of?


What is the bravest thing you've ever done?

From an adventurous point of view- zip lining in Costa Rica at Arenal, from one volcanic mountain peak to another. What was I thinking?😳

What is something you do every day now that you did not do before you were 45? 

Go out for a good walk for at least 3 miles a day. 

What does SSS mean to you?

Sole Sister Ramblers is part of my daily routine. I engage with the awesome community we have created a few hours or more almost every single day. 

I enjoy being a part of the group of Founders that is bringing Sole Sister Ramblers to the world. I've loved the collaboration of working with some very old friends and a new one. We are in each other's lives daily, which we wouldn't be if Sole Sister Ramblers didn't exist. 

I like that I'm learning new skills and resurrecting others. I'm enjoying the creative process, the problem-solving, and the building of all the different facets of the group. I'm also in awe at the skills of my collaborators - some they didn't even know they had. 

And then there are the women I've met who have joined the group -inspiring, resourceful, supportive, and tons of fun. I'm looking forward to the day we might meet in person. 

I couldn't imagine life without SSR♥️!

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