Hannah's Hairy Vagina - Just Jill, Rambler Cafe Blog

Hannah's Hairy Vagina - Just Jill

Just Jill is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris. Jill is an avid rambler and married mother of two from Toronto, Canada with a remarkable zest for life and a fabulous sense of humor. 

Dear Just Jill,

Vagina… there I said it … vagina, vagina, vagina!!

This is not my comfort level, so let me get right to the point. 

I have always done what I would call a clean-up or grooming down there, mainly before I put on a bathing suit. Lately, though, I’m feeling the need to put a little more effort into my personal grooming.

My question has three parts: First, what do you ladies recommend - shaving, sugaring, laser, or electrolysis? Is there something else I should know about? Are any of these painful? I am looking for something that will last. I’m not a fan of shaving because of the razor burn I get.

Second, there are so many options, from clean up to bikini line to landing strip to Brazilian or full. What do I choose?

Third, does anyone have a smell down there? I know I don’t always smell pretty. Any suggestions on what I should do about that?

Looking for advice from my wise Sole Sisters?

What’s a gal to do?

Hairy Hannah

Sole Sister Advice & Comments

  • Wow! Ok, we all have one, so here goes…. I am super private about my privates, but I used to have an issue with my bikini line. For years I would wax it but get horrible ingrown hairs that looked worse than the hair that I was trying to get rid of! So I lasered them. That was about 80% effective. I did electrolysis for the remaining hairs-ouch, but permanent. As for the other grooming, again, I am too private to expose myself to a Brazilian, and I don’t really want to look like a 6-year-old down there anyway. I know many women who do it, though, and love it. I use an electric personal groomer to keep things neat and tidy down there, and I’m happy with that.
  • A little “grooming “ is where I keep it at. Regarding the “smell” thing - well we all smell different. I started using the underwear called knix because my sweating issues from menopause and working in a hot kitchen were making me feel smelly and uncomfortable. I realized they also helped with the “smell” issue.

  • I will dive into the smell question…it is normal at this age for things to get out of whack. Vaginal probiotics (over-the-counter) can help you restore a healthy biome down there. (Although if you still notice an issue, consider asking your doctor to check - you may have an infection that requires something stronger).

  • Ask yourself why you are doing all this grooming. I don't really think men care. I decided to wear "boy short" bathing suit bottoms from now on. It solves that issue pretty well! I once got a nasty infection from over-shaving with a disposable razor in that area before going swimming at a public pool.
  • Personally, the vagina is yours. Do what makes you feel comfortable with it. I'm not reacting to your post specifically, but since I was 16, there's always been someone else trying to dictate what I should do with my vagina and my freedom as a woman: mother, father, brother, boyfriend, society...especially boyfriends who want you to groom a certain way. To hell with it. It's yours! Your comfort. Lol
  • Um - can I say how much I loved seeing VAGINA here?!? In regards to your "style," there are lots of options and completely personal. One thing I believe they all do have in common is varying levels of discomfort (except perhaps shaving, although other dangerous issues there). I used to have a Turkish woman who could get every follicle of hair off in under 15 minutes. If I lived in a larger community, I would have done laser, so I now shave or use an electric trimmer. In regards to odor, it's important to recognize your natural scent, as changing smells can indicate health issues. Getting comfortable with our "lady parts" is necessary for wellness! This is the good stuff here - if we can't talk about it, how can we learn?
  • Oh, ladies. How much do I enjoy reading about our dear vaginas. Regarding shaving, in my younger years, I did sugar waxing, and to avoid ingrown hairs, an amazing woman who did my waxing advised me to use a gentle exfoliating scrub against the direction the hair grows when having a shower. That solved the problem since then. For the past few years, I’ve been using an electric Epilady, which is close to waxing, for both cons and pros: the discomfort while using it and the long-term benefits, as hair doesn’t grow as much and fast over time. As for vaginal fragrance (notice the deliberate choice of the word:), I find that wearing cotton underwear, and unscented soap helped a lot. The less chemicals, the fresher and happier ‘she’ feels.

  •  I think my long experience in this matter is an asset here: I’ve never met a single man (I’m heterosexual) who hasn’t appreciated ‘the bush and its fruits.’ On the contrary, they complimented both, and I was really thankful for that since I never got too self-conscious or critical about my private parts either. I hope that, regardless of what you decide to do, you can find the answers that best resonate with you at this stage of life and can feel the joy of being you in its wholeness and beauty.

  • Does no one use stuff like Nair anymore? Nowhere near the ummm un-hairy skin, of course. I’m old now and lacking in hair, and when I was young, I never groomed except for what might show in a swimsuit. I didn’t always use creams, but shaving is difficult, and waxing really hurts.
  • I hate to say it, but I am done worrying about my Vagina, and there is no way on earth I would get a Brazillian. It is too invasive for me and requires upkeep, I am assuming LOL. Light shaving and a good exfoliation scrub- call it a day for me!

  • Hello, ladies; one of my skills and part of my holistic practice is being a professional waxer! Firstly, let me share with you that most women, 95% of my clients, wax because it pleases them. Not for their men. Sensations are heightened for a lot more feeling and often much more intense orgasms as a result. Secondly, there is no need to look like a 12-year-old as a ‘French’ leaves the front as ‘normal’ but waxed underneath in the vital parts. Thirdly, daily showers and reasonable hygiene keep vaginas healthy. Medications and hormones change the odors, which, if we become familiar can be very helpful to know where we are at in our cycle. There is nothing as lovely as a silky soft vulva area to experience senses and pleasure in lovemaking and personal touch. The vagina, by the way, is inside….not the outside! Please don’t use the hair-removing creams. They are highly toxic and terrible for your health. Shaving creates day-old stubble that’s itchy and sore. Hope that helps! I’ve seen thousands of vulvas, and they are all a blessing and a beautiful part of being a woman.
  • When I was much younger, I got a Brazilian once, and it was an experience never to be repeated. The lovely woman providing the service got some wax in my inner parts and began diligently picking it out with her nails literally inside me in my nether regions. I was quietly horrified but could tell she was determined, and she remained very professional. I still laugh every time I think about it!
  • I was in my 50s and told my manicurist I had a new boyfriend. The next thing I knew, I was in the wax room. She was going places many have never been. She also explained the sensations and so on…. Well, let’s just say it was full Brazilian for me, and I’ve never looked back.

SSR doesn't endorse the advice or content shared in this column. Our goal is to access the wisdom of our incredible Sole Sisters. 

READ MORE > Ask Just Jill, Rambler Cafe Blog

1 comment

  • Kim Schulze

    At 65, I’m tired of the constant removal of ‘hair down there’! Shaving irritated it and waxing was too much trouble or inconvenient timing. I finally spent the money for laser for my bikini area. (I like the tuft of hair everywhere else) Wish I’d done it sooner!

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