Naomi Weisman - Rambler Profile, Sole Sister Ramblers

Naomi Weisman 🇨🇦 - Rambler Profile

Naomi Weisman is 56, one of the five Founders of Sole Sister Ramblers, and author of Nomi's Pics in our Rambler Cafe Blog. She's a Canadian-Australian mother of three who loves to ramble with her dog, cook for family and friends, and laugh whenever possible.


What do you love about being a Sole Sister Ramblers founder?

Well, to begin with, friends and family are what keep me traveling through life at a happy pace. So, as isolating as the pandemic was, I weathered that proverbial storm quite well in large part because I felt surrounded by the people who matter most to me, even if only virtually. This founding team of old sister-friends has always buoyed me up in good times and in bad. 

Now that life has gotten back on track and we can see one another in person, I still seek out my Sole Sister community online. It has become part of my daily routine to see what #trailmagic people have encountered on their rambles or what wonderfully kind, insightful, and empathic advice is being given to one of us. 

Another facet of Sole Sister Rambler's that frames my week and excites me creatively is the writing. My weekly Rambler Cafe Blog Nomi's Pics has been so much fun for me to think about. I also love writing about life in general, and I am grateful for this kind and loving platform that allows me to express my musings. 

Finally, being one of the founders of Sole Sister Ramblers has not only deepened my original friendships with the other founders but also strengthened other old friendships and sparked new ones. This is a unique space, and I treasure what it adds to my life. 

What is your hometown and born town?

I was born and raised in Toronto, and I still live there! I sometimes wonder about moving to a smaller community, but ultimately I don't think I'd move away from my family. As long as Toronto is home to my kids, it will be home to me too. 

What do you like best about the age you are now?

I love the feeling of being comfortable with who I am, the good and the bad. I also love being a witness to the adults my three kids have grown into and the relationship that has evolved between them and me.

What five words would you use to describe yourself?

Kind, curious, stubborn, impatient, and honest.

What are your favorite all-time movies, TV shows, or books?

That's a tough one. They are different depending on mood.

Book: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (1847) This book blows me away every time I read it. It is filled with feminist thought; it examines the balance in relationships in the mid-19th century, including loyalty, how society treats mental health, and ideas surrounding women and their ability to reason.

Movie: Grease because it reminds me of being 10 years old and completely enthralled with the music, the story, and reenacting the whole thing with my friends.

TV Show: The Mary Tyler Moore Show. It reminds me of being with my mom. It was a show filled with humor, heart, and strong women.

What is your favorite color, and where does it show up—in clothing, furniture, or your choice of flowers?

Over the years, I have waffled between blue and green. It has been blue lately, evidenced in my home décor and the many sweaters in my closet.

What is your favorite music, and what influenced your musical taste?

Folk music was my first love. I was practically spoon-fed it with my pablum. I grew up listening to musicians like John Prine, Steve Goodman, Van Morrison, Carole King, and Joan Baez.

My tastes have expanded to country artists like Chris Stapleton or indie artists like the Avett Brothers or Wilco. I am open-minded about music, and I appreciate talent.

READ MORE > Rambler Profiles, Rambler Cafe Blog

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