Just Jill is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris. Jill is an avid rambler and mother of two from Toronto, Canada with a remarkable zest for life and a fabulous sense of humor.
Dear Just Jill,
Droopy lids, dark circles, puffy bags … anyone else experience this? I am talking about my eyes … my tired, worn out looking eyes!!
Some days I look in the mirror and I barely recognize myself. How did this happen and so fast? One day I woke up and yikes!! I am okay with aging and looking my age, whatever that means today. I am not okay with always looking tired and weathered. I want to look fresh!
Any Sole Sisters experience this? Any advice or tips? Have you tried eye patches or creams? Would love to hear your go-to fix.
What’s a gal to do?
Tired Eyes Tina
Sole Sister Advice
- Yoga. Daily. Also, try to - improve the circulation. Drink loads of water - love your kidneys. And drink loads of bone broth! It sounds intense - but it's basically just consommé.
- I use a brightening cream from Garnier, but I used to buy it from Flower. Anyway, it's a roll-on product that I use like concealer, and it is the only thing that helps to hide my wrinkles and dark circles. I have been using it for about seven or eight years. I noticed a huge difference when I stopped using it for a few weeks; I couldn't stand looking at myself in the morning without it.
- I choose eyeglass frame bottoms that line up over that portion of my eyes! I still find myself deleting photos!!!
- I went to the doctor because my eyes were strained and puffy. His advice was to "close them more often."
- The first thing is to rule out allergies. Also, a friend recommended Rodan & Fields Active Hydration Bright Eye Complex and Redefine multi-function eye cream.
- I would love to know what people do. My brother-in-law had surgery on his eyelids, and it looks great; unfortunately, it's not in my budget.
- I do face yoga in the morning, like a massage with exercises. I also lightly use a perfect concealer that is NARS brand. And at night, I prefer a hyaluronic acid night cream that plumps. It's not a silver bullet solution, but my skin feels great. I will investigate the roll-on-eye brightening stuff!
- This may sound hilarious, but models use Preparation H for puffy eyes. It is said to tighten the skin. I haven't tried it because I have lid issues rather than bag issues. I hope this helps!
- So...., I'm still trying to figure out what to believe, as some do not believe in eye cream or serum. Recently, I became much more regular both morning and evening with cleansing, serum, and creams. I'm unsure if it's my imagination, but my skin, including the eye area, seems to be better, less droopy, more glowing and has some bounce. I use caffeine drops and the multi-peptide drops from the ordinary in the eye area, plus whatever moisturizer I am using. Sleeping more also helps.
- I don't think anyone needs to use eye cream, but a gentle face moisturizer makes everything look a little more hydrated and plump. I also use an eye serum that does double duty as a concealer for my dark circles, and this is another further hydrating tool in my toolkit.
- The way I worry less about saggy skin around my eyes is to focus on looking out and counting my good fortune that I don't have to SEE my face when I'm in public. Remind yourself no one else gives a flying feck about your wrinkles and crinkles. They really, really don't. Laughing and smiling also crinkles up the area nicely, so doing more of that helps. Invest the money you spend on a specialist eye cream on doing something you love alone or with folks you love.
- Surgery costs the same as a holiday. I hear a week in France does wonders for under-eye wrinkles.
- I've bought the little eye strips to help with the droopy lids. I have yet to use them. I'm sick of looking like my eyes are closed when smiling.
- I remember being 14 and my stepmother putting cucumber slices on my eyes. I thought it was so silly. Now, at 58, it's super silly.
- Blepharoplasty - the dark circles are typically caused when the small muscle to the outer edge of your eye atrophies and fat seeps through, landing below your eye and creating the "trough" that makes the dark circle appearance. This can be surgically repaired - I had it done a few years ago - honestly, it's a game changer.
- Serums, potions, and lotions help, but the real difference is when you are well hydrated (this area corresponds to the kidneys) and do some form of lymphatic massage/face yoga. Gua sha stones are fantastic for this.
- I avoid looking at myself. I just had an eye tooth removed, and the dentist was all over getting me set up with the cosmetic replacement while I waited for the bone graft to be taken to get an implant, and I was anticipating the horrors of the wait time. Three weeks later, I'm not the least bit self-conscious about the gap and considering not spending the bucks on a replacement!
- Sleep!!! A daily nap helps.
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