Peachy Patty Is Unhappy With Her Peach Fuzz - Just Jill

Peach Fuzz Patty - Just Jill

Just Jill is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris. Jill is an avid rambler and married mother of two from Toronto, Canada with a remarkable zest for life and a fabulous sense of humor.

Dear Just Jill,

I have always had peach fuzz on my face. Up until now it has never really bothered me. I could hide it with my hair if I had a particularly self-conscious day. My biggest fear was if I did do something it would grow back dark and thick. My fear always won my inner battle … not so much anymore.

I have discovered that one of the downsides of getting older for me is an increase in peach fuzz and I’m not happy. I was at the hairdresser the other day and the woman who was washing my hair was aghast at how much I have and suggested I could do something about it if I wanted.

First of all, I was irritated that she said something … who is she to comment on my peach fuzz? It just made me feel more self-conscious. Was she only doing this to make money on a treatment? Secondly, it has really been bothering me and I wanted to hear her thoughts on my options.

My curiosity quickly overcame my irritation. I realized, I’ve known this woman for years and her comment was not meant negatively. She went on to tell me how she had the same problem and what she did about it.

She explained that peach fuzz is a different type of hair than a mustache or chin hair and it would absolutely not grow back dark. At this point, I was hooked. She suggested dermaplaning. Although there are other methods she felt this was the least invasive.

Any other Sole Sisters struggling with peach fuzz? How have you removed it? Have you tried dermaplaning?

What’s a gal to do?


Peachy Patty


  • I use an eyebrow tool called Tinkle-Rose. "Tinkle for perfect eyebrow" hahaha. I get them at a local beauty supply place. As noted with derma planing the fuzz grows back but not heavier.
  •  I've noticed an increase in my 'peach fuzz' but have been hesitant to do anything about it for the same reasons.
  • I also have one (just one) stubborn, thick, dark hair that grows on my chin that I've been plucking for years. I try to keep an eye on it to get to it before it gets too long - but I swear it can grow a centimetre overnight!
  • Dermaplaning is not only a great way to remove peach fuzz from your face, it also removes dead skin. Your face will feel like it’s glowing afterwards. It’s beneficial when applying your creams/serums as well as your makeup.

    The only downside is the maintenance, the hair grows back within a month or so. Although I don’t have a ton of peach fuzz, I have a girlfriend in the industry who told me about it and I wanted to try it out. It’s painless and doesn’t take very long.

    The hair definitely does not grow back darker. Be sure to go to someone that is recommended to you. It’s your face, you want the person doing it to be experienced. I hope this helps.
  •  I found a salon where they do threading - it’s great and it lasts for ages.
  • The little HydroSchick face razors are a lifesaver for me!! So simple to use, always on a clean dry face, and I do mine about once a month. My makeup goes on smoother and the slight bit of dermabrasion that happens keeps your natural collagen working in your skin too.

    I don’t use it on my moustache area (epilator or wax that) and always pluck the pokey outy stiff hairs on my chin before I do the razor. I have a reel about how to do it as well if you want to check it out.
  •  I think for me being Asian, my peach fuzz is not peach but dark! Eek! I "scrape" them off when I remember with some eyebrow tool similar to the Tinkle-Rose (love that name!)
  •  I don't have a lot of fuzz but omg in the last few years the dark thick chin hairs, down my neck are a  little too much. The mustache a bit, though thank goodness it's not nearly as dark.

    I swear two grow for every one I pluck. I wax, but I hate that you gotta let it grow to wax, and they are so stubborn wax doesn't get them all. I want to try laser removal, just haven't taken the time to try it, plus it's not cheap.
  • This is funny! I just discovered I have peach fuzz! I love it. The chin hair, however...
  •  Ok, I have fuzz and hairs on my chin.
  • For the fuzz I actually use an epilator/epilady. I bought it for my legs but tried it on my arms one day, next thing you know I tried my fuzzy face bits. Warning - it hurts! But like all things you get used to it and does not require an appointment and constant cost.
  • As soon as I get rid of one chin hair another one appears. I’m guessing there are 6 taking turns on my chin. Refer to 1 for an option, works well if the vision is crapy and is long. Tweezers are a girl's best friend.
  • I can definitely relate. I have had dermaplaning and it was a very relaxing procedure. Basically a shave for women. It is temporary as it does grow back (just like shaving your legs, though not any heavier or darker than pre-dermaplaning).
  • Another benefit is that I think makeup (foundation) applies more easily after dermaplaning.
  •  I have always had peach fuzz on my face. I haven’t noticed it getting worse. Up to now, I haven’t done anything about it, but I would if it started to trouble me.
  • I get electrolysis on my dark whisker-type hairs. I hate them. But that won’t work for peach fuzz.


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