Crooked Teeth Tanya - Just Jill, Rambler Cafe Blog

Crooked Teeth Tanya - Just Jill

  Just Jill is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris. Jill is an avid rambler and mother of two from Toronto, Canada with a remarkable zest for life and a fabulous sense of humor.

Dear Just Jill,

I’m 60 and thinking of getting braces! Does this even make sense? Never thought that sentence would come out of my mouth!

In my early teens, like most, I had braces, headgear (ugh remember that?) and a retainer … the whole deal. My teeth were perfect!

Over the years they have shifted. Fast forward 45 plus years and they are a bit of a mess. My teeth are no longer aligned which is causing inflammation. I am told this can cause bone loss, especially at my age.

Truthfully I used to love my smile and now I find myself trying to hide my teeth when I smile.

Have any Sole Sisters had recent experience with orthodontics? Braces or invisalign? I have decided to go ahead just not sure which route to choose.

What’s a gal to do?


Crooked Teeth Tanya

Sole Sister Advice & Comments 

  • I am a big supporter of this! It is your face and your smile not to mention way better oral health if your teeth are aligned. Also they will only become more crowded as you age. Why not fix it if you can! Also most people would benefit from wearing a mouth-guard at night to prevent shifting. I had major orthodontic work as a teen. When I noticed my teeth started to shift in my 40’s I got a mouth guard to preserve the smile I have. It has worked like a charm!

  • Great topic! About four years ago my dentist asked when did my top teeth start moving around? Odd as I had never really thought about it, but I certainly had some movement that had pushed some of my top teeth backwards. I took the cue and went through about a year of Invisalign to correct my smile. I did it during the pandemic so I was happily masked during public moments. Everything worked really well for me and I am super happy with the results. Retainer every night now for the rest of my life, not a big deal, I’m so used to it!

  • I bought myself braces for my 50th birthday and I'm talking full on top and bottom braces! Not Invisalign! I was getting horrible headaches and my teeth were all over the place. Had them on for 2 years and am so glad I did it. I wear top and bottom retainers at night but they're not huge like the old school ones. The Invisalign seem to be better for people who don't need too much moving of teeth. Your orthodontist should be able to help figure out what's best in your case. 

  • There are also issues with braces as we age causing slight mobility and bone loss. Ask the orthodontist about this as well at your consult. They don't mention this. It still may be worth doing but good to have all the facts. Root resorption can occur while wearing braces, which is why it's important to understand what it is, how it is caused, and what it means for patients affected by it. Thankfully, most cases of root resorption have no adverse effects and are an expected part of the process of wearing braces.

  • Go see an orthodontist pronto. If your roots are good and you're a good candidate I don't think it's something you'll ever regret. Plus your teeth will age better when they are aligned.

  • And my Aunty got them at 70 yrs old ... so I figure go for it!

  • Life’s too short! If it will make you happier and smile more, go for it!

We look forward to hearing your advice in the comments!

Happy Rambling!

READ MORE > Ask Just Jill, Rambler Cafe Blog

SSR doesn't endorse the advice, or content shared in this column. Our goal is to access the wisdom of our incredible Sole Sisters.


  • Caroline

    Do it – I’m sure you won’t regret it!! I am nearing the end of Invisalign and could not be happier am very excited to get my new teeth for my 50th birthday. My teeth were really bad and I had been told I would need a fixed brace, which I did not want, however I was recommended an Invisalign specialist and he has worked wonders, he warned me they would not be perfect but they are compared to what they used to be. A bit of a faff but just persevere the first couple of weeks.

  • Susan

    My 61 year old son just started Invisalign last year. Recommended by his orthodontist. So far he is happy. They are a lot of work.

  • Nicole Hardy

    I got braces when I was 42 last year and I dont regret my decision. My reason was for maintaing oral health as i began having some issues. My top teeth were starting to move and with the overbite it was resulting in my lower teeth cutting into the gums behind my top front teeth and they were starting to angle out.
    I started becoming quite self conscious when smiling. So i visited my dentiat who referred me to an orthodontist.
    It took a little getting used and i found my speech changes as things adjust and move. So i am just mindful of that. I seem to take quieter perhaps as I am conscious of how i may sound.
    I have lost some weight mainly due to limiting sugar and has resulted in being conscious of what i eat and maintaing a more balanced diet. So all in all thats good.
    Overall i am glad i made the decision as the end result will be worth it – on the hard days just remember why you doing it and other peoples thought do not matter.

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