Jane's Mindful Musings - Embracing Your Inner Crone

Embracing The Word Crone - Jane's Mindful Musings

Jane Witherspoon is a Canadian expat adventurer, yoga instructor, and passionate rambler who recently relocated from Panama to Denia, Spain. 

When people hear the word "Crone," it often has a negative connotation. There are many unflattering terms used to describe older women, such as "old lady," "hag," "biddy," "battle-axe," "shrew," and "harpy." Very few empowering words are used to describe older women in our society.

However, for many women, this is a time when they grow into their power and wisdom and begin to assert themselves with confidence. This assertion of personal power can create fear or weariness as it shifts the balance of power.

In pre-Christian societies, women were honored as goddesses in their various life phases: the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. Many ancient mythologies revered the third stage of a woman's life as the Crone, and she enjoyed a special and revered status. She was seen as a source of wisdom, healing skills, and moral leadership. However, society marginalized the Crone over time, turning her from a wise goddess to a feared witch.

How can we reclaim words like "Crone" and use them to emphasize and celebrate the wisdom and lessons learned throughout our lives? It is possible to reclaim and take back the power of these words, incorporating them into a vocabulary that embraces and celebrates older women. By doing so, we can remind ourselves and others that our voices and wisdom count, regardless of age.

I love this definition voiced by Diana Frajman.

"The modern Crone is a healthy, vibrant older woman with the wisdom of a lifetime of adventures and experiences. She has done everything that society has expected of her. She is now at a stage where she has gained enough confidence to step fully into her own power and finally imagine, create, and fulfill her wildest desires. She is sovereign, and her societal status is hers to decide."

And so, my Sole Sisters, as you ramble through the week, remember this time belongs to the Crone.

She's arriving at the greatest time of her life.
Creativity is blossoming, even exploding within her.
Everything now enters her crucible as wisdom.
She's never felt more free than now, and she's never felt more empowered than now to be all of herself. - Unknown

READ MORE > Jane's Mindful Musings, Rambler Cafe Blog.


  • Nicole

    I feel this so much – the call to embrace my years of learning and experience and advocate for wise women to raise their voices. I’ve chosen to use Sage vs Crone, but no reason we cannot use them both.

  • Alison lea

    I can identify with this description………. And I aspire to be a Crone !

  • Carole Lee

    I resonate with this posting. Thanks 🙏🌞

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