Authenticity Through Fashion - Jane's Mindful Musings

Authenticity Through Fashion - Jane's Mindful Musings

Jane Witherspoon is a Canadian expat adventurer, yoga instructor and passionate rambler who recently relocated from Panama to Denia, Spain.

Going beyond our bodies, let’s talk about embracing what makes us feel beautiful in our skin and what we choose to wear over it. We all have our own particular style, clothes that make us feel beautiful, accentuating what we love about our body.

Personally, I love the freedom we now have to express our personality and dress in a way that pleases and represents who we are. Not long ago, most women over the age of 40 were expected to fade into middle age amending their style to that which was “appropriate” for an older woman. There were clear-cut rules about how a woman should look after a certain age.

That has changed and today women care about authenticity and self-expression. Most of us spent our younger years experimenting with various styles, playing with what works and what doesn't, finding that unique style.

When I was younger there was a pink stage that now makes me cringe when I think about it. As I have aged, my style has evolved to more organic natural fabrics and comfort.

But, like my music, my fashion tastes can be eclectic, depending on my mood. That is what is so fantastic being a midlife woman now, I can borrow my daughter’s clothes and they mine. I can choose to dress up or down, subdued or funky…the choice is mine to make, not dictated by what society thinks I should look like.

Finally, don’t let the world forget that we are still sexy and can rock that LBD or a red hot number with style and unapologetic confidence. Don’t be afraid to be seen in all your midlife glory.

And so my Sole Sisters, as you ramble through your week, remember there is nothing more beautiful than seeing a woman who exudes confidence in any outfit that makes her feel special

Treat your life as your masterpiece.
Know that you get to decide how you paint
every inch of your canvas - the color, the texture
the size, the light, everything. It really is all up to you.
Don’t be afraid to try new things or add new designs
because that’s what your canvas is for. Use bold
colors, paint over mistakes, start over whenever
you want. This is your life and your masterpiece;
Create one you love. - Nikki Banas

READ MORE > Jane's Mindful Musings, Rambler Cafe Blog

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