Just Jill is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris. Jill is an avid rambler and mother of two from Toronto, Canada with a remarkable zest for life and a fabulous sense of humor.
Dear Just Jill,
Push. Pain. Push. Pain. Am I having a baby? Nope HEMORRHOIDS!
The pain gets so bad sometimes I think to myself, is this how my life will end - sitting on a toilet trying to go. The burning and the itching are intolerable. Even sitting can be a chore, the discomfort is next level!
Is anyone else out there a hemorrhoid sufferer? How do you cope? Any remedies? Advice?
What’s a gal to do?
Hemorrhoid Helen
Sole Sisters Advice & Comments
- Advil and ice! If your fridge makes those nice slender cubes, they are perfect. A bit of a jolt at first, but the relief is worth it, trust me.
- I swab with calamine lotion and wait till the lotion dries before getting dressed after each poop. That'll take care of the itch and the burning sensation. I also stay off ‘heaty’ foods like chili, and coffee until it clears up.
- Aquaphor!
- I’m pretty sure constipation and hemorrhoids go together but I feel that my constipation is a result of hemorrhoids and my body’s way of avoiding having to go poop. So much so that I feel I have sometimes lost the ability to go poop and sometimes it can be days, like 3 or 4, without going. I swear my mood changes and I get obsessed with the fact I haven’t gone. I found these pills years ago called Açaí Berry Pills that I refer to as my happy pills. I only take them when I absolutely need to, which is every few weeks and they work wonders. They are all natural but they do have addictive properties. I swear I’m a new me after they have kicked in.
- Lots of water and a fiber rich diet help to keep the body regular for sure. Keeps the extreme pushing to a minimum.
- I have a hemorrhoid, just one, I think - is that possible? It's been a constant companion for two decades. I will admit that I have not told my doctor about it because, as stupid as it sounds, I don't want to deal with the exam, if you get my drift. A bidet changed my life. If I have a bidet, then I am symptom-free. They are cheap on Amazon; you can attach them to any toilet. Or get one of the trendy Tushy ones - although now, having tried both, I like the Amazon version better. When traveling where I do not have a Bidet, it becomes a problem.
- Hemorrhoids have been my constant companion since I birthed my first child. I may be small, 5'2", and just over a hundred pounds, but I have delivered three babies, all over 8.5lbs - naturally. Preparation H is my old-school solution when I have a flair-up, usually when struggling with constipation.
- Some people find great relief from strengthening their pelvic floor muscles. There is a different way to "flex" internally that avoids "straining" like during deadlifts, for example. Healthy elimination is a huge factor as well. Constipation is usually a peristalsis issue, whereas the other "end" of the spectrum is often a sign of parasites. The more I learn, the more certain I am that gut health is the ruling factor.
- Diet is a definite factor if you have hemorrhoids, I’ve learned. Stay away from foods that have a coarse skin or seeds like popcorn, raspberries, or almonds if you have an active case, as they can make your bum bleed.
- Travel for me makes mine worse because my schedule changes. My body relies heavily on my schedule.
- I’ve heard of people using a squatty potty.
- There is a very simple hemorrhoid procedure that can be done in a specialist doctor's office. Who knew?!? I suffered for years in pain and embarrassment. I simply booked an appointment at the Cleator Clinic in Vancouver, BC. You may have a similar clinic or qualified specialist in your town. They band hemorrhoids, cutting off any blood supply. Literally. I didn’t even know the doctor had done it. They then have you use a prescription cream for a specified period of time to assist in killing off the hemorrhoids. No pain! You go back and get a check-up. The process may be complete, or you may need another banding procedure or a different cream. According to the Doc, most hemorrhoids can be taken care of this way! Miraculously, it’s never come back! Even covered under the BC Medical Services Plan! I made a loud joke in the waiting room about how it was the easiest hemorrhoid procedure ever to put others at rest.
- I used to be bothered more often with hemorrhoids after the birth of my first and for many years after, but now it’s only if I am dehydrated or drink too much coffee. What I used to find really helped was witch hazel cream. My midwife told me about it.
We look forward to hearing your advice for Hemorrhoid Helen in the comments!
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I had what I thought was a hemorrhoid was actually a fissure. It took proper medication soft stools and pelvic floor relaxation and strengthening. I would see your doctor and make sure it’s not a thrombosed haemorrhoid or a fissure. That pain is not okay to live with. Your description of the toilet and birthing was very familiar.
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