Freaking Out Frannie's Ex - Just Jill, Sole Sister Ramblers

Freaking Out Frannie Ex's Girlfriend - Just Jill

Just Jill is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris. Jill is an avid rambler and mother of two from Toronto, Canada with a remarkable zest for life and a fabulous sense of humor.

Dear Just Jill,

My son is getting married, and I am feeling stressed. I usually love a beautiful occasion and a good party, but this is different. My ex has a new girlfriend that I will meet for the first time at the wedding. For that, I am on a downward spiral.

My ex and I are amicable, actually, dare I say even on good terms. I am definitely not the jealous type, nor would I ever want to rekindle our relationship.

If asked to describe myself, I am a confident, intelligent, adventurous midlife woman who is very comfortable in her skin.

So why am I a mess over this? All I can think of is will she be younger? Will she be prettier? Will she be funnier? Will my family and friends like her more than me? And when I do meet her, will I be able to string a sentence together?

Then there is the other, more sinister part of me that wants to trip her as she walks past me, or maybe some ex-lax in her wine?

What is wrong with me? My confidence has left the building while this nasty unrecognizable version of myself comes in. I feel like I’m watching a train wreck about to happen, and I am the train.

What’s a gal to do?

Freaking Out Frannie

Sole Sister Advice & Comments

  • I have never been in the same room with my husband's ex except in a massive room with many people, like a graduation ceremony, even though we have co-parented two children for 20 years. How weird is that, eh?! Not ideal. I wish we could have been friends and done a better job of that. I can't imagine seeing my husband with another woman even if, for some reason, we decided not to be together. You are so brave to ask this question. Even asking demonstrates that you proactively and maturely think of the best way to deal with this situation. For that, I give you big kudos!

  • The best thing that ever happened to me was the birth of my children. The second best thing that happened to me was the day my ex met his girlfriend! He finally stopped focusing on harassing and tormenting me. I'm so thankful for her and do my best to be kind and welcoming whenever there is a family event for the kids. She's a saint in my eyes. Fingers crossed, they stay together forever.

  • Love this article called Read This Before Meeting Your Ex's New Partner.

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