The Healing Power of Animals - Jane's Mindful Musings

The Healing Power of Animals - Jane's Mindful Musings

Jane Witherspoon is a Canadian expat adventurer, yoga instructor and passionate rambler who recently relocated from Panama to Denia, Spain. 

Animals, both wild and tame, have an incredible ability for empathy and contain all our most attractive characteristics, including compassion, kindness, and love for each other and humans.

There is nothing like a close encounter with an animal to soothe you, heal the emotional hurt, calm anxiety, or bring happiness to your day. This can include anything from receiving love from your family pet to hearing or seeing a beautiful bird as you explore nature.

It has been reported that our social networks are decreasing dramatically, causing the number one reason to seek therapy, loneliness. These last two years, especially, have created an epidemic of loneliness.

We are social animals and require connection to other living beings to feel a sense of belonging and love. Animals fulfill our need for company, to be loved, and our profound need to love.

Sometimes those closest to us can fail to hear our pain, but animals hear even the slightest whisper of discomfort. Animals have an intuitive connection to humans. This knowledge has given rise to service and emotional support animals, who give love and support to people who need a constant companion who will be there for them unconditionally.

It is not only domesticated animals that can create a feeling of joy. Spying an owl in a tree can cause a truly magical moment of wonder, or looking out your window to see a deer roaming across your lawn, these awe-inspiring moments are endless. We connect with animals daily in wonderful and unexpected ways if we become aware of our surroundings.

These words by Laura Staley sum up our relationship with animals, “The interspecies dance of love softens and expands the heart.”

And so my Sole Sisters, as you ramble out into your week, I hope that you experience, on some level, that interspecies dance of love.

Animals exist with us and communicate with us in many ways, If we allow ourselves to become still enough to notice, and if we live in a sacred way - in realization that communication with them is natural - Reverend Misa Hopkins

Animals can inspire us to be less busy, more present, less worried, more joyful and more passionate about life. They will never judge us for things we do or don’t do - Kristen Moeller

READ MORE > Jane's Mindful Musings, Rambler Cafe Blog

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