Internal dialogue shapes how we narrate our own stories. The narratives we tell ourselves don’t always reflect what actually happened but rather how we interpreted those events. Our brains can be selective in what we remember, sometimes warping our perceptions based on our mood during those encounters.
We can become stuck in a cycle of negative internal narratives. This self-talk may arise from past experiences, beliefs, and distorted thought processes, affecting our self-esteem and perception of the world.
So, how can we work on changing our internal stories? Here are six tips that resonated with me to help you master your internal dialogue.
Written by Adam Scott who is part of the Chopra Foundation:
Spend Time in Silence
Meditation is one of the first and most fundamental steps in mastering our internal dialogue. We typically have anywhere between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts each day and quieting our turbulent mental environment creates the blank canvas upon which to paint a positive internal conversation.
Cultivate Gratitude
When we put our attention on those things we can be grateful for, it automatically shifts us out of a negative mentality. Just by simply repeating the statement, I am so grateful for _____, we create positive momentum in our internal dialogue.
Actively Avoid Negativity
Negative energy can be contagious and pollute the internal dialogue with fear, anger, and other dense mental states. While we can’t avoid all negativity, being consciously aware of refocusing our attention away from the negative and toward the good can have a powerful effect on our internal dialogue.
Harness the Power of Affirmations
Affirmations are strong, positive self-talk statements that can help to reprogram your subconscious mind and internal dialogue toward a more constructive mental environment.
Practice Impeccable Speech and Behavior
Your speech and behavior are a natural outcropping of your internal dialogue. Therefore, when you consciously choose to practice impeccable speech and behavior, your internal dialogue will automatically become more positive and refined.
Remember Your True Nature
When we get swept up in the ego’s hype and melodrama, it becomes very easy to lose ourselves and forget our true nature.
And so my Sole Sisters, as you ramble out into your week I hope these tips will sit with you and you find some mental peace, calm, and happiness in the coming days.
Your mind is a powerful thing.
When you fill it with positive thoughts,
Your life begins to change. - Unknown
You either control your mind, or it controls you.
READ MORE > Jane's Mindful Musings, Rambler Cafe Blog.
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