Rambler Profile Questionnaire

Connecting and empowering women in midlife and beyond one ramble at a time. Everywhere is in rambling distance when you have Sole Sisters.
We want to get to know you better and celebrate your beautiful contributions to Sole Sister Ramblers by profiling you in the Rambler Cafe Blog and in our Facebook Group.
Please answer the questions in the Introduction section and then consider choosing 6-10 questions from the section below to answer. You can answer more or less if you like!
Email your answers to us at hellorambler@solesisterramblers.com with a picture of yourself - perhaps a selfie or a photo of you rambling!
One sentence introduction:
Questions - Pick 6
Where did you grow up, and what did you like or dislike about that place?
What age are you and what age to you feel?
What is the best part about being your age?
What do you most love about being a woman?
Is there something that you would like your Sole Sisters to know about aging from where you are right now?
What are you looking forward to?
What five words would you use to describe yourself?
What do you most like to do in your spare time?
What invention in your lifetime are you most amazed by?
What was the worst thing you ever got in trouble for?
What was your first job?
What was the best day of your life?
What is your favorite music, and what influenced your musical taste?
What are your favorite all-time movies, TV shows, or books?
What is your favorite color, and where does this show up - clothing, furniture, choice of flowers?
Where is your favorite place to ramble, and why do you love it?
What are the top 5 things on your bucket list?
What is your favorite time of year and why?
What is on your nightstand?
What is the most sentimental thing in your home?
Any celebrity encounters?
What is your favorite thing to make for dinner?
Who is someone you look up to and why?
What is the best advice you ever got?
What is the worst advice you ever got?
What advice would you give your younger self?
What thing in your life had the most impact on who you are now?
What is your dream ramble?
For you, what does a perfect day look like?
What are you most afraid of?
What is the bravest thing you've ever done?
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
What is something you do every day now that you did not do before you were 45?
What is the best thing that happened to you recently?
What makes you a grown-ass woman?
Thank you!