Jane Witherspoon is a Canadian expat adventurer, yoga instructor, and passionate rambler who recently relocated from Panama to Denia, Spain.
The guru of happiness and positivity, Oprah Winfrey, defines passion as energy. She advises us to feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites us.
We are in an exciting metamorphosis in our lives right now; changes in life situations, moving into an empty nest or retirement stage allowing us to turn the attention back upon who we are, who we want to become, and how we want to live this third quarter of life.
Remember that following a passion is about much more than simply passing the time. According to Merriam-Webster, "passion" refers to a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement either for something or about doing something.
Upon early retirement, I moved to Panama with my husband and with his encouragement spent a month in Costa Rica getting my yoga teacher certification. Moving down this new path, a feeling of gratitude bloomed to be living a life wherein wherein I could explore sharing my love of yoga with others. Remaining fit and strong is my passion during this third quarter of life allowing me to live life to its fullest.
I have always been someone who explores hobbies and activities, outside of work and family time, that fulfill my inner thirst for personal growth. As Albert Einstein said, “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” I love this quote as it wraps up how I feel about life.
There have been so many “passions” over time that I have dove into and explored and loved every moment of. Passions can stay with you your whole life, or they can wax and wane over time…and that is okay too.
So, it is now our time to switch the focus onto what excites us, the passions that bring meaning into our lives. To explore what we care about, what brings joy, happiness, and fulfillment into our lives. Maybe having dreamed about a hobby or activity throughout our busier adult lives and haven’t had the time to pursue it before now.
This means you’ll sometimes have to purposefully make time for doing the things you love. There’s much to be said for putting the time and effort into discovering what ignites your curiosity and then stepping out of your comfort zone to put your newfound desire into action.
Connecting with similarly-minded people can teach us more about ourselves and what we like or dislike and want to commit to. Find people who fill your life with joy, inspire you, and push you to be the best person you can be. This may include a variety of people to fulfill the various interests you engage in including a travel buddy, a rambling group, a book club, or whoever you connect with while pursuing your passions in life.
It might take a few attempts to find what you love doing but the key is to not give up. Keep putting yourself out there, connecting with people, and exploring new things that feel exciting to you.
So my Sole Sisters as you ramble out into your week, remember it is your time to shine. I urge you to find what excites you, what brings you joy and to chase the passion.
The heart of human excellence often
begins to beat when you discover a
pursuit that absorbs you, frees you,
challenges you or give you a sense
of meaning, joy or passion. - Terry Orlick
Always find time for the things
that make you happy to be alive. - Unknown
READ MORE > Jane's Mindful Musings, Rambler Cafe Blog
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