We all have a story so we hope you will stand in your truth, motivated by kindness, and tell yours.


Competitive Cycling Changed Everything - Rita Fromholt
Learning to be comfortable on this super-light bike with clip-in pedals got me out of my comfort zone. I also bought some cool riding jerseys and shorts. Still, I felt a creeping imposter syndrome, wondering if everyone could see that I was really bad at sports.
A Special Expat Welcoming - Tara Romoff
A loop was running through my head. Would it be awkward? Would they like us? I reminded myself that our toes had to be presentable since shoes are strictly removed before entering someone’s home here. 
Becoming Australian - Naomi Weisman
My daughter's name is Annie. She is named after my grandmother. What is absolutely astonishing about this is that when I first contacted my birth mother, Helen, she told me that she had named me Annie when I was born, after her grandmother!
My Oma's Cookies - Mylene Sherrin
My Oma would begin weeks before Christmas. Stocked with special spices from Germany and pounds of ground almonds, she would start baking everyday until she had made enough Christmas cookies for the whole family. Recipe included!
Reluctant Vegan Pastry Chef - Christine Godlonton
I will never be a vegan but I want to learn about vegan desserts because many of our guests are vegan. I don't want to be the chef who responds, "give them sorbet" when asked for a vegan dessert.
Christmas 1987 in Bethlehem - Naomi Weisman
In December of 1987 we went to Bethlehem around Christmas. There were no carols, twinkly lights, or gift-giving. We were living in the country where Jesus was born and there was minimal mention of the holiday. What was I missing?


Stand in your truth, motivated by kindness & tell your story. Learn more.

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