My Favorite Trail Mix - Judy Smith

My Favorite Trail Mix - Judy Smith

Judy Smith is an intrepid rambler who loves to hike, bike and participate in competitive rowing in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, Canada. She is a lifelong educator, school principal and mother of two grown kids.

My sister lives in the Okanagan, where British Columbia, Canada, grows most of its fruit. She has a huge fruit dehydrator and dries everything—apples, plums, kiwis, berries, and cherries. 

She makes her own trail mix using home-dried fruit and Rancho Vignola nuts. It’s delicious, but it takes a year to make! My version is a little easier. 

I start by visiting the bulk food store to buy my ingredients. The cheapest trail mix makes a great base. Then, you can add your favorite things from the bulk food aisle, like chocolate-covered espresso beans, chocolate-covered ginger, peanut M&Ms, sweet and salty mix, and mixed dried fruit.

Other great additions are macadamia nuts, peanut butter pretzels, dried cranberries, yogurt-covered raisins, royal nut mix, dried mangos … whatever captures your fancy. I like to pay special attention to the chocolate content!

I recently created a new one for a Sole Circle ramble that was a huge hit. It included sweet and spicy pecans, royal nut mix, dark chocolate-covered pomegranates, dark chocolate clusters, and Hawkins Cheezies (hard Cheetos-style snacks that are only available in Canada).

Mine comes out differently every time, but the basic recipe is to start with nuts, add something chocolate, and then add something salty.

I pack it in a reusable silicone bag and take my containers to the bulk store - doing my little bit to save the planet.

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READ MORE > Her Story, Rambler Cafe Blog

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