Lisa Spender - Rambler Profile, Sole Sister Ramblers

Lisa Spender 🇬🇧 - Rambler Profile

Lisa Spender is a dance teacher with tiny feet who is almost 55 and lives in the United Kingdom. No Shirley Bassey jokes please!

What are your hometown and your borntown?

I was born in the Woolwich Arsenal, an armaments factory and the original home of the football team, in Southeast London. My hometown is Maidstone Kent in the United Kingdom.

What did you like about where you grew up?

Southeast London is a wonderfully multicultural area. Growing up, I spent much of my time in Greenwich Park, the Prime Meridian site. I learned to ride a bike, roller skate, and climb trees in this world-renowned place. 

I later returned to the area and worked training young dancers for more than 20 years. I am a dance teacher with itsy bitsy feet!

What five words most describe you?

Eclectic, nerdy, intuitive, “witchy” (apparently), neurodivergent (I have ADD).

What is your favorite music?

Anything that makes me want to dance or stand very still, including classical music, systems music like Philip Glass, female vocalists from the fifties, Foo Fighters, and 80’s disco … I could go on.

What do you like to read and watch?

I love reading!!! My favorite authors are Thomas Hardy, Roxane Gay, and Xinran. The Good Women of China is my favorite book.

My favorite films are Fargo, Chungking Express, and Hunt for the Wilderpeople. 

On television, I’m an ER junkie!

Any celebrity encounters? 

The weirdest was waking up to find the (huge) Australian rugby team in my university kitchen.

What are you most afraid of? 

Wolves, needles, sheer drops, and enclosed spaces.

What was your bravest moment?

My bravest moment was leaving a long abusive relationship to be a single mum. Also, I left my thirty-year career nine months ago with no plan.

Other random things about me!

Color is critical to me, and my favorite color is red. I have red, green and gold walls … but no pink. 

My favorite places to ramble are wild places by the sea and in woods and hills. 

You will find books on my nightstand, a piece of quartz my partner secretly picked up when we climbed Yr Wyddfa (Mount Snowdon), and a very old and beautiful photo of my Nan as a young woman.

What makes you a grown-ass woman?

I don’t think I will ever really feel like a grown-up! 

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