Eight Months of Empty Nest - Jill Cohen Morris, Rambler Cafe Blog

My 8 Months of Empty Nesting - Jill Cohen Morris

Jill Cohen Morris is an avid rambler and mother of two in Toronto, Canada with a remarkable zest for life and a fabulous sense of humor.

It’s been 8 months.

8 months of empty nesting
8 months of worrying
8 months of loneliness
8 months of helplessness
8 months of anxiety
8 months of sadness
8 months of happiness|
8 months of quiet
8 months of reconnecting relationships
8 months of exploring new interests
8 months of doing what I want when I want

September was a hard month for me. I missed my daughter terribly. My son has been away at school for 2 years so I had already adjusted to life without him. COVID  hit, and my daughter and I were spending more and more time together.

When she left, the house became eerily quiet. The silence was a constant reminder of the loss I was mourning. As the months crept on it did get easier. Although getting to that point proved to be challenging.

I love my husband with all my heart but honestly his breathing is so loud!! With no other distractions in the house all I could hear was the sounds of his breathing and at dinner his chewing! For me it was like fingernails on a chalkboard. Best solution … we now watch TV while we eat. The TV drowns out all other sounds and gives us something to talk about. A win win in my book.

We spend a lot of time together. A big chunk of our time was spent talking about the kids. We have had to find new ways to connect. This summer we are taking up golf. I’m super excited about that. Every Wednesday has become our date night. We are slowly creating our new normal. 

I’m getting my groove on. I have become a rambling addict … walking eight miles every morning no matter the weather. Most days I also do an afternoon ramble.

I have also taken up Canasta which l love. The game is fun and keeps my brain in motion. The best part is I absolutely adore the women I play with. We bonded instantly and I just know we will be lifelong friends. I’ve been dabbling in pickleball which is also fun.

Fast forward to now… and just like that those 8 months are over and the routine we have created is on hold.

My son is home for the summer having finished his third year at University. My husband and I just finished packing up my daughter who completed her first year away at school.

Time to adjust to a full house again. A new full house; one with two young adults who have lived on their own. Do I do their laundry? Do I make their dinner? Do I wait up for them? What if they come home at 5am? What is this new normal?

I’m already missing the peace of the last 8 months yet my heart is so full having a full house.

I’m learning how to adapt to all these changes and understand that this time is as exciting as it is challenging. For right now I’m doing my best to embrace the moments and not take them for granted.

I would love to hear about how you adapt to change, whatever that change may be.

READ MORE > Her Story, Rambler Cafe Blog

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