Rita Fromholt - Rambler Profile, Sole Sister Ramblers

Rita Fromholt 🇨🇦 - Rambler Profile

Rita Fromholt is lifelong seeker of environmental and social justice, animal and nature lover, from the heart of the Coastal Temperate Rainforest on Vancouver Island, Canada.

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in White Rock, a small, sleepy coastal town near Vancouver, British Columbia. We spent our summers on the beach swimming, building sandcastles, and chasing baby crabs.

As teenagers, we covered ourselves in baby oil and got horribly burnt while trying for that Farrah Fawcett tan! I loved knowing almost all the kids in town and being able to explore everywhere fearlessly by bike and on foot. 

What are 5 words that best describe you?

Determined, seeker, explorer, alchemist, and outsider.

What do you do with your spare time?

My current passion is cycling, both road and gravel. It is also a very social activity, where I continuously meet like-minded people to share my passion with. I meditate daily, love spending quality time with my beautiful canine companion, and volunteer in my community.

What is your favorite music?

Classic rock, of course! I am fortunate to have grown up in the 70s and 80s when some of the best music ever was recorded. I never get tired of hearing it!

What are the top 5 things on your bucket list?

Learn to play the piano.
Cycle around Europe.
Visit the Arctic.
Learn conversational Spanish.
Learn more about astronomy.

Are you a night owl or morning early bird?

Most definitely an early bird. My clearest thinking and best ideas happen before noon.

Do you have a sweet tooth or like your food savory?

Love them both, sometimes together!

What is your biggest fear?

My biggest fear as I move into elderhood is becoming irrelevant. I want to stay active in the game of life till the very end. Too many people give up and sit on the sidelines. Not me!!!

READ MORE > Rambler Profile, Rambler Cafe Blog

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