Betty Hansen 🇨🇦 - Rambler Profile, Ramble Cafe Blog

Betty Hansen 🇨🇦 - Rambler Profile

Betty is 63 years old and was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She has lived in Langley, British Columbia, Canada, for the past 40 years, where she raised her children and enjoyed a fulfilling career as a nurse and administrator in mental health services.

Betty Hansen has led 26 Rambles in Vancouver's Canada's Lower Mainland (as of April 2024) with three different Sole Circles. Her primary Sole Circle in Langley/Surrey will be the first to achieve 100 rambles. 

What five words would you use to describe yourself?

I am detail-oriented, organized, persistent (perhaps stubborn; I am a Taurus, after all!), resilient, loyal, and like challenges. I enjoy solitude but also love sharing experiences with other people.

I acquired many of these traits during my early life while spending time with my maternal grandfather, whom I adored. I still remember him telling me that if something needed to be done, one just had to ask a Scottish Lass. All four of my grandparents were immigrants to Canada, originating from Scotland and Wales.

What thing in your life had the most impact on who you are now?

Family is my most important priority, and I thrive on seeing my children and grandchildren grow into caring, personable, open-minded, accountable, active, and well-rounded individuals.

My house and walls are filled with family pictures; my daughter refers to it as the shrine to the grandchildren (though I still have baby, childhood, graduation, wedding pictures and more of her and our son up too!).

Most recently, our family has had to pull together to support one another through a sorrowful and challenging time, as my husband has Alzheimer's Dementia and has been in Long Term Care for the past year.

We have all learned how resilient we can be through a very heart-wrenching and ongoing experience of grief and change. I have found that finding big and small things to be grateful for is essential to finding balance, healing, and the ability to adjust.

What is the best thing that happened to you recently?
Sole Sister Ramblers came into my life at just the right time when my world had turned upside down. For years, I had to take care of my husband with Alzheimer's, and as a result, our social circle slowly shrank. However, when he went into care, I was finally able to start making new connections and found many in this group.

At first, I craved connection with strangers to escape the emotional turbulence of life's ups and downs. I wanted to be with other women who have experienced the good and the bad, hoping it would help me find emotional balance.

Joining in rambles with my Sole Circle was the perfect way to make new connections and friendships. The women I met shared uplifting experiences during our walks, and we quickly formed close bonds. We plan to do more activities together, like craft workshops, lunch, and travel. I am excited to have booked some travel experiences this year with my newly formed friendships through Sole Sisters.

What do you most like to do in your spare time?

I have always loved nature, flowers, gardening, animals, and travel. I have been fortunate to have traveled widely over the years.

I love experiencing new cultures and seeing the marvels of our natural world (on land and in the water). I love the sights, sounds, and smells of nature and can't help myself from seeing the beauty around me on rambles (and yes, taking way too many photos because I love the visual memories!).

I love researching travel and designing my own custom travel experiences. Planning and experiencing travel is a passion that I hope to continue for many more years.

Where is your favorite place to ramble, and why do you love it?

Enthusiastic about rambling…oh yes, I am! Every location is my favorite as long as it is out in nature.

I can't say enough about my gratitude for this experience with my Sole Sisters. We have all come through some trials in life and will be here to support or distract each other through more trials.

For me, rambling is all about experiencing nature and the connections and shared experiences with my Sole Sisters, for which I am so grateful.


  • Karen Biggs

    Betty is an exceptional Ramble leader. She is supportive and ensures that everyone feels welcome. I am fortunate to have met her and have now had the opportunity to even ramble in Mexico with her. I now count her as a new friend and a new “sister”.

  • Annie

    I am glad I met you Betty. Even though I haven’t come for many rambles due to my husband’s surgery, I look forward to many rambles with you and our sole sisters.
    Wonderful, reading a bit about you. I am glad you are doing what you like to. Take care and see more if you..,

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