The Benefits of Forest Bathing- Deborah Morgan

The Benefits of Forest Bathing- Deborah Morgan

Deborah Morgan is the founder of Enchanted Wise Women, which inspires women 45+ to find deep connection, purpose, passion, and enchantment in this second act of life. She offers meditation classes, guided forest bathing experiences, women’s circles, workshops, and retreats in Calgary and Invermere 🇨🇦. 

For me, the forest has had a magical pull since I was young, and I would spend hours in the forest around our farmhouse. It was both a playground and a refuge.  

As I got older, whenever I felt stressed or overwhelmed, a walk in the forest always calmed my nerves, cleared my mind, and often helped me find solutions. I discovered Forest Therapy as I was going through menopause and loved it so much I decided to become a certified guide myself.

It has helped me weather the storm of my changing body and find inspiration for the years ahead in my second spring. It has deepened my connection with nature even further, and I see nature as a teacher and a friend. 

I am not only witnessing the forest but also being witnessed in return. When I walk in the forest now, I feel I am walking IN love, surrounded, embraced, and received by the forest. It is a vital part of my self-care. 

Imagine stepping into a lush green forest. What do you notice as the trees envelop you? The vibrant colors, that alluring scent, the leaves rustling, the birds singing, or maybe just beautiful stillness. How do you feel in that moment? It's a feeling of awe, isn't it? A sense of wonder at the beauty and tranquility of nature.

What if I told you that this experience can have healing properties for body, mind, and spirit?

That's right. Something as simple and enjoyable as spending time in the forest, or forest bathing, as we call it, offers us some impressive health benefits! And the best part? Anyone can do it anytime, anywhere nature is nearby. 

Forest bathing, sometimes called forest therapy, originated in Japan and is called Shinrin-Yoku. It has been studied extensively there, and its benefits to physical and mental well-being are well documented. Forest bathing isn’t just a fad or a trend—it's a scientifically proven method for improving health and well-being. 

However, forest bathing is far more than just a stroll in the woods; it invites us to form a deeper connection with the natural world and ourselves.  

Forest bathing walks unfold differently depending on the area, the group, and the guide; we always begin by quieting our minds, connecting with our bodies, and orienting ourselves to the forest around us. It is a slow-moving, intentional experience, and we will often cover less than a kilometer or two as we engage all the senses and move mindfully.  

As we step out onto the path, I always invite people to imagine we are entering a sacred realm and leaving the ordinary world behind us for just this time. Combining the forest's natural beauty and the guided experience creates a magical and therapeutic journey. 

Recall that alluring scent that greets you upon entering a forest. It is hard to put into words, but we all recognize it. That captivating smell has an incredibly positive impact on our health. Trees and all plant life emit volatile organic compounds called Phytoncides; when we inhale them, we receive the gifts they offer—and what incredible gifts they are! 

Extensive studies in Japan have demonstrated that exposure to these phytoncides during a 2-hour walk in the forest has the following impressive benefits:

  • Increases natural cells in the immune system
  • It boosts our immunity, and the effects last for a few days after the walk
  • Decreases the stress hormone cortisol
  • Decreases oxidative stress and inflammation
  • Improved cardiovascular health and blood glucose regulation
  • Improvement in sleep quality
  • Enhanced mood
  • Reduced anxiety and depression

You can appreciate why I consider the forest a magical and sacred realm!

The forest’s inherent healing power, a gift to all who enter, is amplified and refined through the guided experience of a forest bathing walk. The combination of the forest and the structure provided by the guide creates a powerful synergistic effect that compounds the health effects of simply walking in the forest and breathing in the phytoncides.

Through gentle prompts and carefully crafted invitations, the guide helps participants fully immerse themselves in the present moment, maximizing the therapeutic potential of the forest environment.

The benefits to our mind and body wellness are reason enough to incorporate this practice into our routine. Still, something else is extraordinary: Many participants describe their experience as profoundly spiritual, reporting a sense of awe, wonder, and belonging to something greater than themselves. A sense of community, mutual understanding, and support is also fostered through the guided experience, which increases feelings of connection and belonging.

The Benefits of Forest Bathing- Deborah Morgan

One of the most beautiful things about forest bathing is that it is accessible to anyone. Of course, a guided experience is always recommended to deepen the practice and benefit from the community aspect. Still, if one is not readily available, it need not stop you from reaping the benefits. 

You do not need to be deep in a mountain forest or wild park to enjoy the practice.  

Any city park with some green grass and trees will do just fine. Ideally, a forest bathing session would take 2-3 hours, but that is not always practical. It is better to have more frequent short sessions than occasional long ones. Here are a few suggestions that you can do without a guide for your own mini forest bathing session.

Finding a park or even a green area with a tree will do.

Spend 10-20 minutes practicing basic breathing meditation, focusing on your breath, and letting your thoughts go as they arise. One of my favorite things is practicing reciprocal breathing with the forest.  As I breathe out, I offer the gift of my breath to the forest and plant life, and as I breathe in, I gratefully receive their breath back. It is a beautiful practice.

Begin engaging all your senses by exploring your natural surroundings one sense at a time. Wander slowly and notice the sights, smells, sounds, and textures (touch) surrounding you. You don’t have to cover them all in one session; engaging deeply with each sense is key.

To end your session, find a spot to sit and quietly observe the nature around you.  Thoughts of the day may arise; just let them float away, staying present in the moment's experience.  You can take however long you like for this sit-spot practice. 

Even if you don’t have time for a full forest bathing session, you can practice sitting for a few minutes daily to help calm and focus the mind and deepen your connection.  Please take a moment before you leave to offer your gratitude and appreciation to the forest and all its beings.

With these suggestions, you are well on your way to the divine experience of a forest bath and reaping its benefits.  

READ MORE > Her Story, Rambler Cafe Blog

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