Christina Ho 🇺🇸 - Rambler Profile, Sole Sister Ramblers

Christina Ho 🇺🇸 - Rambler Profile

Christina Ho is just your average everyday sane, psycho, and super goddess. She is a proud 58-year-old, was born in Taipei, and today loves to ramble in her hometown of Seattle, USA.

Where did you grow up, and what did you like or dislike about that place?

I grew up in Taiwan, a small subtropical island. I love the variety of fruits growing up there, but I don't miss the heat.

What five words would you use to describe yourself?

Lover, dreamer, doer, sister, and motivator!

What do you most like to do in your spare time?

I sew, quilt, cook, read, go to movies, do yoga, and walk!

What are your favorite all-time movies, TV shows, or books?

PBS series Anne of Green Gables.

What are the top 5 things on your bucket list?

Watch the Northern Lights from a glass igloo.
Take a train ride across Siberia (like in Doctor Zhivago).
Ride a horse in Mongolia.
Visit the Silk Road.
Spend the night in an Elephant Sanctuary.

What makes you a grown-ass lady?

I no longer worry about what other people think about me when I make decisions.

What do you love about getting older?

I can wear white pants any day of the month.

READ MORE > Rambler Profiles, Rambler Cafe Blog

1 comment

  • Cindy Walsh

    Gotta love a self proclaimed sane psycho 😊. I hope you got to see the lights here. I completely missed them.


    Miss Cindy

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