Give yourself permission to be you—the real, authentic you, the you who brings joy and happiness to your life.
Recently, I saw an interview with Maria Shriver. She talked about how, after her divorce, she started seeking answers to who she was, what she wanted, and what her future looked like. During this journey, she realized she was seeking permission to "go out and become Maria."
This powerful statement struck a chord with me, clarifying the journey I experienced while maneuvering through the tail end of peri-menopause and a difficult divorce. For many women, mid-life and beyond can be a challenging time of change but also full of the beauty of self-discovery. Sometimes, we need to break down the walls we have built and rebuild to create growth.
At Sole Sister Ramblers, one of our aims is to change narratives about aging. Part of this is abandoning phrases like "mid-life crisis" and moving towards defining this time of life as a positive transformation, perhaps a "mid-life transformation."
Prior to this transformation, I molded myself into what I felt was expected of me. Hiding under this persona was the version of myself I truly wanted to be but was scared to explore. It was hard to get outside of the box I had created because I was fearful of how my family, friends, children, and colleagues would react to this new version of me.
But, I was now at a crossroads in my life and was gifted with the perfect opportunity to give myself permission to "go out and become Jane" - to become the version of myself I'd always wanted to be. Yes, the process was painful and confusing, and I was plagued by doubt. However, I believe that with maturity and wisdom comes the confidence to truly dig in and honestly explore how we want to live the next half of our lives.
As I maneuvered through this transformation, a true blessing was provided to me in the support of a small but fiercely loyal group of girlfriends who were there for me, no matter what. Seriously, nothing is more beautiful than female friendship and women supporting and empowering other women. Having a tribe of women in your life, through all of its ups and downs, is a true gift to be cherished.
Remember, you don't need an upheaval to give yourself permission to live your authentic life. No one can tell you when the time is right for you, and maybe you will never feel the need to change, as you are exactly who you are meant to be.
And so, my Sole Sisters, as you ramble through your week, give yourself permission to be you—the real, authentic, beautiful version of you that fulfills your life.
Authenticity is the daily practice
of letting go of who we think
we are supposed to be and
embracing who we are. - Brene Brown
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