Simple exercises that enhance strength, balance, and flexibility that can be seamlessly integrated into your daily rambles.


Squats - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge
The deep resting squat, offers many benefits, including enhanced flexibility, improved digestion, and a strengthened core. It improves flexibility in your hips, groin, and lower back and stimulates digestion in your abdomen.  It also strengthens your core muscles and can alleviate tension in the lower back.
Forward Bend - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge
A forward bend is a common and beneficial pose that stretches the hamstrings, calves, and back and releases tightness and muscle pain in your body.
High Lunge - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge
High Lunge improves balance and strength in your legs by activating the muscles our legs and glutes. It also promotes flexibility by lengthening the front hamstring while opening the back hip flexor. 
Incline Push-Up - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge

This form of push-up elevates your upper body reduces the amount of body weight you lift making it easier to do while putting less stress on your joints than a traditional push-up. 

Goddess Pose - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge

Goddess pose is a deep hip-opener and good for strengthening the legs, hips, and core. It also opens up the chest and shoulders and can help to improve balance and stability.

Airplane Pose - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge

Airplane pose requires you to engage your entire body while maintaining a sense of lightness and ease. It also challenges your awareness of your body's position in space which helps you improve your overall balance and coordination.

Wall Sits - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge
Wall Sits help us stay strong as we age by isolating and strengthening the quadriceps muscles in our thighs. These are the biggest muscles in our bodies and we use them to do our most important every day activities.
Bridge Pose - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge
Bridge Pose is an easy backbend and is usually one of the first poses that new yogis learn. However, do not let its simplicity deceive you - it offers numerous benefits.
Warrior II - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge
Warrior II builds core strength and stamina, improves your posture, and counteracts the effects of prolonged sitting.
Tree Pose - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge
Tree Pose improves your posture and counteracts the effects of prolonged sitting. It strengthens your thighs, buttocks, and ankles while gently stretching all of the above.


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