Incline Push-Up - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge

Incline Push-Up - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge

Jane Witherspoon is our Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge coach and a certified Hatha Yoga Teacher who has been practicing yoga for more than three decades. She loves sharing her passion for movement, and teaching women in mid-life and beyond how to be strong and flexible.

This challenge, if you choose to accept it, is elevated Incline Push-Ups every day for 30 days! 

Share your pics in our Facebook Group with #solesisterpushup.

Many of our challenges target lower body strength and flexibility, but this month, we're switching things up and focusing on building our upper body strength and flexibility with Incline Push-ups.

This form of push-up elevates your upper body and reduces the amount of body weight you lift with every push-up, making it easier to do while putting less stress on your joints than a traditional push-up. It is also easier to keep your core engaged and prevent sagging or arching of the spinal column.

Elevated Inclined Push-Ups stretch your chest muscles while engaging and strengthening your shoulders and arms (especially your triceps). They also engage and strengthen the stabilizing muscles in your abs, back, hips, and legs.

How To Do An Elevated Incline Push-Up

  • Stand facing the bench or a stationary object.
  • Place your hands on the edge of the bench just slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Keep your arms straight without locking your elbows.
  • Align your feet so that your arms and body are completely straight.
  • Bend your elbows to slowly lower your chest to the edge of the bench while inhaling.
  • Keep your body straight and rigid throughout the movement.
  • Push your body away from the bench until your elbows are extended but not locked.
  • Exhale as you push up.
  • Keep going with slow, steady repetitions, starting with 5 or 10 reps working up to 20.


If starting from a bench feels daunting, you can choose a gentler approach by using a higher stabilizer - like a wall, the backside of a park bench, or a waist-high fence

  • Stand facing a wall, with your feet a few feet from the wall.
  • Lean forward and place your hands on the wall just wider than shoulder width.
  • Slowly and deliberately bend the elbows and move the upper body as close to the wall as possible, inhaling.
  • Slowly and deliberately push off the wall until your elbows are straight but not locked. Exhale as you push up.
  • Repeat building up to 20 reps to build strength and endurance

Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenges are simple exercises that enhance strength, balance, and flexibility - all critical as we age. They can be seamlessly integrated into your daily rambles, taking a moment to breathe, stretch, and fortify your strength. We hope you continue to practice them and make them a part of your daily routine.

It's essential to note that individuals with certain health conditions, such as back injuries or knee problems, should consult a healthcare professional before attempting this or any other yoga poses. Modifications can be made to accommodate individual needs and abilities.

READ MORE > Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenges

Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Elevated Incline Push-Up - Ramble Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers

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