Tree Pose - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge

Tree Pose - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge

 Jane Witherspoon is our Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge coach and a certified Hatha Yoga Teacher who has been practicing yoga for more than three decades. She loves sharing her passion for movement, and teaching women in mid-life and beyond how to be strong and flexible.

The challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to do the Tree Pose every day for 30 days! Share your pics with our Facebook group using #solesistertreepose.

The Tree Pose is a balancing pose that helps improve focus, stability, and posture. It strengthens the thigh, glute, and ankle on the standing leg while gently stretching the thigh and glute on the lifted leg. Additionally, it helps improve posture and counteracts the effects of prolonged sitting.

Furthermore, it builds confidence, boosts energy, strengthens your core, and stretches the areas around your shoulders and back (latissimus dorsi).

How to Do Tree Pose

  • Stand tall with your feet together, arms at your sides, and weight evenly distributed on both feet.
  • Shift your weight onto your left foot, grounding it firmly into the floor.
  • Lift your right foot off the ground.
  • Bend your right knee and place the sole of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh, as high up as is comfortable.
  • Avoid placing your foot on the knee. Alternatively, you can place your foot on the inside of your left calf or ankle if balancing on the thigh is too difficult.
  • Ensure that your standing leg is straight but not locked. Keep your pelvis in a neutral position.
  • Engage your core muscles and lengthen your spine.
  • Find a focal point in front of you to help maintain your balance. Focus on this point throughout the pose.
  • Once you feel stable, bring your hands to your heart in a prayer position.
  • If you feel comfortable, raise your arms overhead with palms facing each other, keeping your shoulders relaxed.
  • Hold the pose for 20 to 60 seconds, maintaining steady and deep breaths.
  • Slowly lower your arms back to your sides and gently lower your right foot to the floor.
  • Repeat on the other side.


  • For beginners, you can place the right foot on the inner calf or ankle or keep the toes on the ground with the heel against the left ankle.
  • Use a wall or chair, or keep your hands on your hips to help with balance.

Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenges are simple exercises that enhance strength, balance, and flexibility - all crucial elements as we age. They are also activities you can seamlessly integrate into your rambles, taking a moment to breathe, stretch, and fortify your strength. We hope you continue to practice them and make them a part of your daily routine.

It's essential to note that individuals with certain health conditions, such as back injuries or knee problems, should consult a healthcare professional before attempting this or any other yoga poses. Modifications can be made to accommodate individual needs and abilities.

READ MORE > Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenges


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