Squats - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge

Squats - Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge

Jane Witherspoon is our Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenge coach and a certified Hatha Yoga Teacher who has practiced yoga for over three decades. She loves sharing her passion for movement and teaching women in mid-life and beyond how to be strong and flexible.

When incorporated into your exercise routine, squats can help you develop strength and power in your lower body and core while improving your balance and posture. ​​

The squat is the most important exercise you can do as you age. When you have to go to the washroom, that’s a squat. When you get in the car, that’s a squat. Every time you sit down or stand up, that’s a squat. 

Squats strengthen all muscle groups in your legs, including your calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and lower back and core. These muscles provide the foundation for most activities of daily living.

Several muscles in your upper and lower body work together when you squat, and many of them assist you in daily tasks like walking, climbing stairs, bending, or carrying heavy loads.

Additionally, squats help protect your joints, improve your balance, and prevent falls!

Yogi squats, which are deeper than the basic squat, are a hip opener while also stretching the ankles, calves, knees, groin, and glutes. This is a great pose if you have back pain, as it aligns the spine and relieves pressure on the lower back.

Benefits of a Basic Squat

  • Strengthens core
  • Improves balance and stability
  • Strengthens lower body muscles
  • Improves posture

Benefits of Yogi Squat

  • Increases strength and flexibility in knees and ankles
  • Hip opener
  • Strengthens pelvic floor muscles
  • Relieves back pain

Instructions Basic Squat

  • Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes turned slightly out.
  • Keep your chest up and out with even pressure on your feet.
  • Engage your abdominals and shift your weight back into your heels, sliding your hips back.
  • Exhale and lower into a squat until your heels lift off the floor or until your torso begins to round or flex forward.
  • Keep your chest out and core tight as you push through your heels to stand back up to your starting position
  • Repeat 10-15 times - several times a day if you can!

Instructions Yogi Squat

  • Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes turned slightly out.
  • Bend knees while folding forward, resting forearms on thighs
  • Place elbows on inner knees with palms together
  • Keep chest lifting while lowering pelvis and tailbone down towards the floor
  • Hold the pose for up to a minute.


If your heels lift while exploring your yogi squat, place a rolled-up towel underneath your heels for support.

To practice a yogi squat with limited hip or knee mobility, there are various modifications you can explore:

  • Sit on the edge of a chair with knees slightly wider than knees and place elbows on inner thighs with palms together. 
  • Sit on the edge of a low stool with knees slightly wider than knees and place elbows on inner thighs with palms together.  
  • Sit on the edge of two yoga blocks stacked on top of each other, knees slightly wider than knees, elbows on inner thighs, palms together. Try to gently lift the pelvis off the blocks and lower back down. 

Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenges are simple exercises that enhance strength, balance, and flexibility—all crucial elements as we age. You can seamlessly integrate them into your rambles, taking a moment to breathe, stretch, and fortify your strength. 

It's essential to note that individuals with certain health conditions, such as back injuries or knee problems, should consult a healthcare professional before attempting this or any other yoga poses. Modifications can be made to accommodate individual needs and abilities.

READ MORE > Ramblers' Monthly Fitness Challenges

Deep Resting Squat - Rambler Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Deep Resting Squat - Rambler Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Deep Resting Squat - Rambler Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Deep Resting Squat - Rambler Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers
Deep Resting Squat - Rambler Challenge, Sole Sister Ramblers


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