Weighted Vest - Rambling Style Files, Rambler Cafe Blog

Weighted Vest - Rambling Style Files

Rambling essentials from fashion to recipes to gear and everything in between. Style Files is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris, an avid rambler and mother of two from Toronto, Canada, with a remarkable zest for life, a fabulous sense of humor, and remarkable style (of course).

Hey, Sole Sisters!

It's time for my rambling style files, where I discuss all things rambling, from fashion to recipes to gear and everything in between.

So, I took the plunge … I invested in a weighted vest by Hyperwear (Hyper Vest FIT). I have to admit, I did not love it at first. The package came and I was so excited. Then I tried to lift it. Heavy is an understatement!! It astounded me how 10 pounds could feel so heavy!! Truth - it sat on a bench at my door for a long time.

Let me back up to when I bumped into my chiropractor while I was out on a ramble during the pandemic. During our conversation, I mentioned all the walking I was doing and my lack of weight training. I was no longer going to the gym, and I was concerned. At my age, I am aware of the importance of balancing my workouts and the importance of strength and core training. 

We discussed wrist and ankle weights, which he explained are not ideal as they can put undue stress on your joints. As someone with knee and back issues, his recommendation was simple: invest in a weighted vest. He went on to explain the benefits. 

My chiropractor knows my issues and my body, so if you are interested, I recommend discussing this with a medical professional first. 

I rushed home and ordered one. Good or bad, I’m always one to jump on a bandwagon. I ordered a ten-pound weighted vest. What I love about this vest is that the weights are adjustable. When I finally gained the courage to use it, I started by walking in just the vest (no weights) and slowly added weights. The weights are all half pounds and fit in pockets on the vest. 

Verdict … I love this vest! I’m up to 6 pounds. I started by just using it around the block and now wear it for longer rambles. It is easy to wear, stretchy and comfortable. I put it on over a t-shirt, and if it's cooler out, I will put a jacket or sweatshirt over it. It is much thinner than I thought it would be. I will say it can get very hot in the summer. 

As for sizing, I ordered a large. I probably could have gone with a medium, but I wasn’t sure if I would want to wear a sweatshirt underneath. The bottom line is that it is super stretchy and adjustable on the sides. My chiropractor recommended this brand to me, and I’m very happy with my choice.

Most of my rambles are on flat ground in my neighborhood. At my usual pace, I’m breathing harder and working a little more than when I walk without the vest. I also think my posture is better when I am wearing it. I feel stronger. Whether it’s all in my head, I don’t know, but I am going with it!

Happy Rambling!!

READ MORE > Rambling Style Files, Rambler Cafe Blog

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