My Version of Golf  - Rambling Style Files, Rambler Cafe Blog

My Version of Golf - Rambling Style Files

Rambling essentials from fashion to recipes to gear and everything in between. Style Files is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris, an avid rambler, mother of two from Toronto, Canada with a remarkable zest for life, a fabulous sense of humor and remarkable style (of course).

Hey, Sole Sisters!

It’s time for my rambling lifestyle files, where I discuss all things rambling, from fashion to recipes to gear and everything in between.

Golf… from my experience, you either love it or hate it!! For those who are not keen, I am about to change your mind.

I do not consider myself a golfer. I am a lot of other things … I am a rambler, I am a pickleball lover, I am a swimmer … I love being active.

Last year, I took up golf. My partner, my husband, is an avid golfer, and I thought it would be a great way for us to spend some time together. I had my mom’s clubs, and off I went. I despised every minute of it!! Even after a few lessons, I could not make contact with the ball. For the rest of the season, I grumpily marched the course.

Fast-forward to the beginning of golf season this year. My mom was right-handed, and I am left-handed. See the problem? I played all last season with the wrong clubs. I have now taken a few lessons with left-handed clubs. What a difference!!

Here’s the thing … I still don’t love golf, and who knows if I ever will. What I have learned, though, is that golf is so much more than swinging a club.  What I do love is the experience, and you don’t need to be an expert. Think of walking the course as rambling in a beautiful, serene, manicured park. I see an opportunity to breathe in fresh air and enjoy the outdoors with someone whose company I love.

I think of each hole as a mini adventure. I don’t break any records, and there are some holes that I choose not to play. Don’t ask me why; I have no idea. What I do know is that my new attitude has changed my mindset. I now look forward to and love spending a few hours on a golf course.

If you are thinking of taking up the sport, here is my advice …

  1. Relax - golf is an extremely difficult and frustrating sport
  2. Take a few lessons - not too many. Focus on one or two tips and master those
  3. You don’t need to invest in everything from the start. You can rent or borrow clubs. For now, I am only hitting with a seven-iron. 
  4. I wear flat sneakers as they are better for balance when hitting.
  5. Don’t keep score.
  6. I don't play with anyone who is too serious or points out what I am doing wrong. For you, that might be ok, but for me, that sucks the joy out of the experience.
  7. Don’t forget sunscreen, a hat and water.
  8. Most importantly, bring your sense of humor.

Who knows? Maybe one day I will become an expert golfer (doubtful, but you never know), but for right now, I am happy walking the course with my seven-iron, enjoying the scenery, the exercise, and the company.

Are you a golfer? What do you love about golf?

Happy Rambling!!

READ MORE > Rambling Style Files, Rambler Cafe Blog

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