Savory Snacks - Rambling Style Files, Rambler Cafe Blog

Savory Snacks - Rambling Style Files

Rambling essentials from fashion to recipes to gear and everything in between. Style Files is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris, an avid rambler, married mother of two from Toronto, Canada with a remarkable zest for life, a fabulous sense of humor and remarkable style (of course).

Hey, Sole Sisters!

It's time for my Rambling Style Files, where I discuss all things rambling, from fashion to recipes to gear and everything in between. 

I'm back in the kitchen. The amount of time I spend in the kitchen you would think I love to cook but truth be told I don't!! Well let me clarify, it's not that I don't like to cook, it is just not something I get pleasure from. Hence why I'm always looking for simple, easy to follow recipes that don't make a mess.

I would much rather be rambling, playing pickleball, playing Canasta or working on Sole Sisters. I try my best to be efficient and productive in the kitchen while making the least amount of mess.

I will say I learnt to cook during Covid. I now have the confidence to try any recipe. One of the best things I learnt was clean up as you go!! Brilliant!!

When I became an empty nester two years ago, I had to figure out a new way of cooking and stocking my fridge and pantry. With just my husband and I, our routine changed drastically. At the beginning we had so much waste as we navigated our new normal. Now, we plan less, we are very last minute and simple. 

I tend to gravitate to grab and go or easy to put together snacks and meals.  I love tofu. I make it every Sunday and have enough for the week. It is great to add to salads, stir frys, soups or to eat as a snack. 

I have been reading so much lately about how important protein is for women as we age, especially plant based protein. 

Here is an easy tofu recipe that has become a staple in my fridge, from my favourite Chef Pamela Salzman. It checks all my boxes - simple, fast to make and no mess.

Crispy Baked Tofu


  • 1 block of extra firm Tofu
  • 1 Tablespoon Soy Sauce or Ramari or Coconut Aminos
  • 1 Tablespoon of Arrowroot powder (also works with Corn Flour)
  • 1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil or Avocado Oil


  • Squeeze all moisture out of tofu. Probably easiest to use a tofu press but I don't own one so I use the old fashioned method of cutting the block of tofu lengthwise and wrapping the blocks with paper towels. The I place the blocks on a cutting board and put something heavy on top. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes or longer, if possible.
  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  •  Mix together the Arrowroot, oil, and Tamari in a bowl or container. Add the tofu and gently coat each piece, trying not to break the cubes.
  • Marinate for 30 minutes to 4 hours.
  • Arrange the tofu in one layer on the prepared baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes, turning the tofu over halfway, until the tofu is golden on the edges. You cook it longer if you want it crispier.

You can make this in an air fryer.

It is delicious and it will become a staple in your fridge!! You are welcome!!

As much as I love tofu I am not a vegetarian. Here is  quick and easy savoury snack for those turkey lovers out there. This too checks all my boxes.

Cucumber Turkey Boats


  • 1 cucumber
  • Turkey slices (I like shaved nitrate free)
  • Mustard of choice


  • Cut the cucumber in half lengthwise.
  • Scoop out the middle. 
  • Squeeze or spoon a line of Mustard down the middle and stuff with Turkey 

Hope you enjoy both these snacks!

Happy Rambling!

READ MORE > Rambling Style Files, Rambler Cafe Blog

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