Traveling With an Injury - Rambling Style Files, Rambler Cafe Blog

Traveling With An Injury - Rambling Style Files

Rambling essentials from fashion to recipes to gear and everything in between. Style Files is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris, an avid rambler, married mother of two from Toronto, Canada with a remarkable zest for life, a fabulous sense of humor and remarkable style (of course).

Hey, Sole Sisters!

It's time for my Rambling Style Files, where I discuss all things rambling, from fashion to recipes to gear and everything in between.

I'm injured … ugh!!! I'm not good with injuries. First, there is the mental anguish of not being able to do what I love, and then there is the physical pain. When I was younger, I tended to push through my injuries. My body was far more resilient and healed much faster.

At 56, I have finally embraced the fact that stretching is vital. I wish I had started this years ago. Had I done so, I might not be in the predicament that I am now in.
I am pretty active and always have been. As I have aged, my workouts and activities have evolved.

I used to lift heavy weights and do intense cardio, pushing myself past my limits. The feeling when I was done was euphoric. Back then, my workout goals were weight loss, strength, and the ability to do chin-ups easily. Fast forward to today, where my goals are still being strong but in a different way … I focus on balance, flexibility, agility, and endurance.

During Covid, I stopped going to the gym. I started walking/rambling. I now try to walk a minimum of 10 miles a day. I became addicted to rambling. I started using a weighted vest - learn more about my weighted vest here. This has helped with my core strength.

Covid is now over, and I'm back at the gym. My workouts have changed. I am no longer lifting heavy weights. I can now get up from a cross-legged position on the floor without using my hands. I'm super proud of this. It took months of dedication.

I also started playing pickleball about a year ago. I'm hooked!! It is so much fun and a great workout. I could play every day. I manage to play three to four times a week.

I am my own worst enemy, as the saying goes. I know the benefits of stretching, especially before playing pickleball. Oops, I didn't stretch and oops I hurt myself. Quelle surprise!!!

So now I'm completely depressed … I can't play pickleball, I can't ramble, and I'm going away for five days. What to do?!?!?'

I saw my chiropractor. Apparently, I strained some muscle behind my knee called the popliteus and did something to my calf muscle as well. Good job Jill!!
I had no idea how I would sit on a plane for three hours, but I did, and this is how

Massage balls and a roller stick were my saviors. I sat on the ball and massaged my leg for most of the journey. Although I was not ready for pickleball, I could ramble for an hour or so at a slow pace. I will take it!!

I stretched religiously for five days and will never go anywhere without my balls and rollers. Truthfully, you can use a tennis ball if you don't want to invest. I used them on my leg, but you can use them on any body part. If you have a sore shoulder, lean against the wall with the ball in between and move up, down, and side to side.

I’m just a Sole Sister, not a doctor so please check with a professional before attempting any of this. 

Wow, was this a game-changer for me!! Have balls will travel!! The real moral of this story is stretch, stretch, stretch!!!

Happy Rambling!!

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