Gear For Open Water Swimming- Rambling Style Files

Gear For Open Water Swimming - Rambling Style Files

Rambling essentials from fashion to recipes to gear and everything in between. Style Files is the creation of Jill Cohen Morris, an avid rambler, mother of two from Toronto, Canada with a remarkable zest for life, a fabulous sense of humor and remarkable style (of course).


Hey, Sole Sisters!

It's time for my Rambling Style Files, where I discuss all things rambling, from fashion to recipes to gear and everything in between.

I love to swim. For as long as I can remember, I have been a water baby, though I am not so much a fan of boats, snorkeling, or other water sports. 

I'm somewhat of a nut. I love to swim in a lake, but I never want to know what is in that lake. Underwater my eyes are shut tight, and I wear water shoes so I don't feel anything touching or nibbling at my toes. I also love the feeling of swimming with water shoes, it might be in my head, but I think I glide through the water better.

I wear Speedo Tidal Cruiser water shoes, but any brand will do.

There is something therapeutic about swimming in a lake. The scenery is gorgeous, and I get lost in my thoughts. 

Safety is always number one for me. I'm fortunate that there is not much boat traffic on my lake. I swim close to shore. Sometimes, my husband or one of my kids will follow me in a boat or kayak, especially if I am doing a really long swim. I treat my swims like hikes; I can go for hours. 

My number one must-use gear for my swim is my Swim Buddy, a neon pink bubble that floats on top of the water and is attached to my waist. If you are a lake swimmer, I recommend using this. I have been hearing more and more about swimmers being hit by boats and Seadoos. You become instantly visible to anyone on the lake.

As an added bonus, if you are tired, you can take a break hugging it. It is not a flotation device, but it does the trick. I alternate between breaststroke and freestyle. My shoulders can get sore or cramp, and hugging my swim buddy helps. The hot pink makes me happy.

I'm also diligent about the sun. I swim in a bathing suit (or rash guard) with short sleeves. I can be in the water for two to three hours, and the thought of reapplying sunscreen is not appealing. This suit ensures my back, shoulders, and chest are protected. I also wear a bucket hat or baseball hat and sunglasses.

Lastly, I swim with a whistle around my wrist. I have never had to use it. The other day, I read about a bear swimming in a lake in Florida. It, along with a water snake following me, is among my worst nightmares. 

You may wonder, with all my fears, how I actually enjoy swimming. It is one of my favorite ways to ramble. My body feels so good moving through the water, especially when it's cold. There is nothing like it. 

Are you a lake swimmer? How do you keep safe? I would love to hear about what you do in the comments!

Happy Rambling!

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