Wiser Than Me (Podcast) - Nomi's Pics

Wiser Than Me (Podcast) - Nomi's Pics

Naomi Weisman is a Canadian, Australian and mother of three, who loves to ramble with her dog, cook for family and friends, and laugh whenever possible.

A fellow Sole Sister suggested the Wiser Than Me podcast  to me and it is right up my alley. 

Seinfeld was and is one of my all-time favorite shows on television. It stands the test of time, even with all of its politically incorrect and outdated humor. My young adult children also love it, but I don’t know what that says.

Julia Louis Dreyfus, who played Elaine Benes on the show, has gone on to star in many other shows and movies, most notably VEEP and her newest film You Hurt My Feelings, which I recently saw in theaters and loved. She now hosts her own podcast Wiser Than Me, which focuses on interviewing and learning from women who are older and wiser than herself.

I have only listened to two of the episodes so far. The first was with Jane Fonda, and the last was with Carol Burnett. These two iconic women do not disappoint. At ages 85 and 90 respectively, they are funny, intelligent, kind, and inspirational. I felt like I was part of the interviews, laughing and nodding as though I was in the room with them.

Dreyfus, who is 62, is inspired by the trailblazers that she interviews. Authors, comedians, actors, photographers, and musicians; all women who have been leaders in their industries. She brings humor and frank honesty to the conversation, opening up a light, relatable, and memorable dialog.

At the end of each episode, Dreyfus calls her mother, who is 89 years of age, to talk about the interview. This part of the show brought me to tears both times. The connection that the two of them have is lovely, and it made me think about the connection that I have with my biological mother whom I compare notes with on books, movies, and shows all the time.

Although the commercial breaks are tedious and boring, the content of this podcast is for you, Sole Sisters. Trust me, it is hilarious, heartfelt, and tremendously valuable.

One wise piece of wisdom given by both Jane Fonda and Carol Burnett: “No” is a complete sentence!

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